A handwritten note on a piece of paper.

A Hard-Fought Negotiation: Allowance

Allowance. For many of us, it’s our first chance at earning an income. A shot of spending power. The ability to budget, to save, to give. And for two young Biz Kids, it introduced their first moment at the negotiating table, as well. The … read more

How to turn $100 into $1,000.

Striking it Rich (With No Regrets)

The last few weeks of news cycles have been saturated with a piece of news that would affect just three people in the entire world: a billion-dollar lottery jackpot. Jackpots like these bring out similar questions in us all: What would I do if … read more

A group of girl scouts posing in the back of a truck.

Times, they are a Changin’

Well, it’s happened. That little knock on the door, followed by an irresistible offer of delicious cookies from an ambitious girl scout, has gone digital. For many Biz Kids, selling girl scout cookies is a first step in a lifetime of entrepreneurialism. … read more

A graph showing the number of players in a poker game.

Baby Steps & Setbacks

What do you think Warren Buffett was doing at your age? Applying to Ivy League universities and being welcomed with open arms? How about Steve Jobs? Probably designing an incredible gadget all of his friends would want, right? Or Vera Wang–surely … read more

Catching up with Biz Kid$ Host Kaelon

The last time we heard from Biz Kid$ host Kaelon, he had made the scrappy decision to forgo an expensive LA apartment in favor of a more cost-efficient one: an RV. Today, we’re catching up with him to hear how his savings … read more

A crowd of people in a shopping mall with christmas decorations.

Black Friday & the Myth of Savings

Black Friday is upon us. Slashed prices are everywhere, as are long lines of deal-hunting shoppers with ads in hand. I’ve been one of them many times, taking home cheap movies and gadgets with the rest of America. But ask … read more

Mira mod, a young woman, sits in a chair in front of a desk.

Turning Problems into Profit

Listen to this business model: an 11-year-old girl heard the repetitive news about passwords being stolen and compromised, and started a business creating passwords for people. While others were worrying and complaining, Mira not only found a solution to their … read more

Posted in Young Entrepreneurs
A white shirt on a man's hand.

Profit: Who Cares?

If you’re like many Biz Kids, the thrill of starting a business can provide enough adrenaline to keep going, regardless of profitability. But a business that doesn’t make money—or loses money—is rarely sustainable. The ability for businesses to lose money … read more

Indiegogo statistics all campaign owners should know.

Launching a Business Before You Can Drive

See if this challenge feels familiar: you have an invention that your family and friends are encouraging you to create, but there’s a problem: you need some cash to create it. And you’re a teenager. You don’t have any credit, … read more

A cow with a number on its back.

What’s in a Brand?

What comes to mind when you hear the word brand? A cow marked as belonging to a certain farm? A logo of your favorite gadget company? The way your coolest friend dresses and speaks? Actually, all of those responses would be … read more

A video player with a question mark on it.

Learn how to use Biz Kid$ in the classroom with new ‘Did You Know?’ videos

Watch the new Did You Know? Videos that show all our financial resources available. Learn how to use the Biz Kid$ games, lessons and clips in the classroom!

Posted in Biz Kid$ News
A group of people in a hospital room.

Teens Bake Cakes to Renovate an African Hospital

The following is a guest post written by Alison Geist of Demoss. For Gabe (age 15) and Livvy (age 11) Feinn, baking and decorating cakes isn’t about providing dessert; it’s about protecting lives. The two Louisville natives decided to raise $35,000 to renovate a mission hospital … read more