Summer Ventures: 5 Wacky Business Ideas for Teens

Summer’s here, and while some teens are perfecting their tan lines, why not soak up some cash instead? Here’s five off-beat business ideas that’ll make summer sizzle with $$$ and success: 1. **Bedazzled Bike Brigade**: Turn heads and pedal profits … read more

Posted in Business for Kids
A black and white photo of a building with columns.

What’s Up with Interest Rates?

Yesterday’s headlines were clear: The Fed was leaving interest rates unchanged. Clear – if you know what the heck such a sentence even means. If you feel out of the loop, you’re not alone. Wedged between Taylor Swift updates, “The … read more

A Woman Holding a Poster of Give. Thanks.

Putting Thanks (and Giving) in Thanksgiving

Today, sofas across America will be filled with grandpas, aunts, moms, and dads fast asleep in tryptophan-induced comas. American Thanksgiving is almost gleefully a time of consumption. We travel an average of 214 miles to eat an average of 3000 calories before shopping our … read more

Posted in Business for Kids
Three photos of young people smiling on a wooden table.

Billionaire Advice Every Biz Kid Should Hear

There’s no doubt about it: being a young entrepreneur requires the DNA of a pioneer. But groundbreaking doesn’t require that one go it alone. Many of today’s most wildly successful entrepreneurs started out as Biz Kids. In this week’s post, we … read more

Posted in Business for Kids, Young Entrepreneurs
Colorful slinkys on a colorful background.

5 Mistakes that Changed the World

Few have felt very successful these last few months. Retailers’ numbers have plummeted, businesses have shuttered, and some schools have gone so far as to give all students A’s in acknowledgment of how their education has suffered. If history is … read more

A young woman smiling in front of a wall of sunflowers.

An Unbeatable Equation: Girl Power + Entrepreneurship

The headline immediately grabbed our interest: “8 Under 18: The Young Trailblazers Stepping Up During the Pandemic.” The article, published by Forbes, is an excellent piece of writing and a worthy celebration of talented biz kids. The profiles include grocery … read more

A woman writing on a notebook next to a laptop.

Hidden Opportunities in Our New Virtual World

A year ago, “school” referred to a brick building with a circle drive and flags. A “doctor’s appointment” required getting in a car. A “wedding” likely meant plane tickets. And “graduation” included a multigeneration road trip. Today, all of those … read more

Playing the Biz Kid$ Flash Games

Biz Kid$ has a couple of games that require the Adobe Flash player. Some browsers and devices do not support Flash. Follow these steps from my friend who wrote the recent Bubble Cash review to play the games the require … read more

Posted in Business for Kids
Black and white image of a broken glass

The Mighty Power of Mistakes

It was to be Tesla’s biggest event of the year: the announcement of the next iteration of the Tesla brand. This time, a truck. A unique truck. Among its futuristic features? Dent-proof doors and unbreakable glass. To show off the … read more

You got this written on the ground.

Empowering Your Teen Entrepreneur

Behind every story of a self-made millionaire is a long line of supportive family members, friends, and mentors who spoke up when it mattered, invested when times were tough, and bit their tongues when criticism wasn’t constructive. If you find … read more

A woman holding up a sign that says give thanks.

Putting Thanks (and Giving) in Thanksgiving

In a matter of days, sofas across America will be filled with grandpas, aunts, moms, and dads fast asleep in tryptophan-induced comas. American Thanksgiving is almost gleefully a time of consumption. We travel an average of 214 miles to eat an average of … read more

Posted in Business for Kids
A person is holding a credit card on a table.

Financial Literacy & the Cashless Conundrum

Teaching kids about money has always required some strategy. But just one generation ago, explaining the function of currency was a lot easier. Why? Well, money could be seen. Our cashless society has made “money doesn’t grow on trees” sound downright … read more