Did you Know? Ten Outstanding Biz Kid$ Resources

Did you know that you should save more than you spend? Probably. Did you know that the money you save by not buying that expensive mocha could add up to quite the nest egg when you’re older? Ya, you probably … read more

Two men posing in front of a building.

Catching up with Young Moguls Brand

The business-savvy guys at Young Moguls Brand were featured on our show for their “Making Money for Teens” CD’s and books on financial management. Today we’re catching up with them and talking about their current business, Young Moguls Brand clothing. … read more

Three people standing in front of the admissions office.

Where are They Now: DK Arts

We featured Dylan of DK Arts on our show years ago. (Watch it here.) Today, we’re hearing an update on his life and work, written by Terri Rose, Dylan’s business manager, friend and mother. Having the ability to reference Dylan’s life … read more

A newspaper article about clothes make the salesman.

A Journey in Paying for College, Part 2

This is part two of a two-part series. For part one, click here. When I opened my email during the summer before my Junior year of college, I was met with an alarming surprise. The email was from the foundation … read more

A screen shot of a loan summary page.

Student Loans Paid, and Oh the Journey it Was

Last week, I did something I’d been trying to accomplish for four years: I paid off my student loans. For me, this was a milestone not just because I had finished paying off $14,000 in debt. It marked the end … read more

A screen shot of an ethics page.

What is “Business Ethics,” anyway?

What is business ethics? Is it a moral standard? Is it a universal set of rules, or is it personal to each of us? Is it a matter just for people involved in high-stakes deals, or for all of us? … read more

A man is working on a car in a garage.

The Sharing Movement: Breakthrough for Teen Entrepreneurs

Bootstrapping. Lean iteration. Crowdsourcing. All three of these terms have become buzzwords recently, as part of a growing movement of entrepreneurship that seeks to get to market quickly, committing to as little initial infrastructure and investment as possible. The idea … read more

A group of people sitting around a table with laptops.

Catching up with Ernst & Young Social Venture Contest Winner

You may remember Eli Weed. Eli was a finalist in our Social Venture competition sponsored by Ernst & Young for his ground-breaking software program designed to help children with Dyslexia learn to type. We awarded him with $500 and mentorship with … read more

A young boy holding up a box of elemento.

Where Are They Now: Elementeo

  Today, we’re launching a new blog series called “Where are They Now” in which we track down some of your favorite Biz Kids from years gone by, and hear what’s been going on in their businesses and lives! Today, … read more

A young girl in a green and purple outfit posing for a photo.

This 10-Year-Old Triathlete Already Has a Portfolio of Businesses

For every issue, there are people who fuel the problem, others who stand by and do nothing, and finally people who stand up and work to make a change. Morgan Lapp is a member of the third group, and she’s … read more

A template for a marketing plan.

Announcing All-New Biz Resources!

At Biz Kid$, we’re always looking for fresh ways to equip you with the tools you need to build a thriving business. Well, we have an exciting new set of resources for you that we think will do just that! … read more

French toast in a baking dish on a cooling rack.

Cashing in on the…toast fortune?

A few weeks ago, my girlfriend’s mom mentioned that cupcakes were the new fad. I (foolishly) quickly jumped into the conversation, exclaiming that cupcakes had been a fad for years and were definitely old news. The new fad, I exclaimed, was … read more