Monochrome image of sculptures depicting the "see no evil, hear no evil" concept with two gorillas.

What Financial Basics Should Kids Learn?

If you’d listened to the financial “wisdom” of the pundits on social media over the last couple of years, you’d have been in for one heck of a roller coaster ride. If you happened to get lucky with regards to … read more

Posted in credit-debt, financial-basics
Three colorful keys lying on a white surface.

3 Keys for Growing your Dough in 2024

Take a quick survey of the 2024 New Year’s resolutions of close friends and family, and two words are likely to bubble to the surface: more and less. “I want to look at my phone less this year.” “I want … read more

A person is holding up a phone with the fortnite logo on it.

The Fortnite Mistake That Netted a Family $25K

When Tyler Sullivan was ten years old, his mom approached him with a mystery: $200 in small charges had appeared on her credit card statement from Apple. This, after Tyler had become obsessed with the game Fortnite. Coincidence? Tyler insisted … read more

A sign that says trick or treat on a window display.

Credit & Debt: Trick or Treat?

An old phrase has always made me stop and ponder: “debt is a tool.” Just like a saw or a hammer, the phrase suggests, debt can hurt or help. Some businesspeople swear by debt – “leverage,” they call it. In … read more

Posted in credit-debt
A stack of japanese dollar bills on a red background.

The Magical Power of Cash Stuffing

Managing money as a teenager is a daunting task. With so many new financial responsibilities and an entire digital world begging you to spend from the palm of your hand, it’s essential to develop healthy money habits early on. One … read more

A person opening his empty pocket

Fleeing the Finfluencer Charade

You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to see that social media has transformed the way we connect, gather information, and seek advice. Among the many voices that dominate our social feeds, financial influencers (a.k.a. “finfluencers”) have emerged as popular … read more

An electronic device is sitting in a backpack.

Debt Limit 101: A Biz Kid Guide

If you believe the week’s hype, three syllables stand between us and the end of the world: debt limit. By now, you’ve read the headlines. You’ve heard the spin. You’ve seen the predictions of the end of the world if … read more

A group of people standing in front of a screen.

Profiting from Play: Making Money in Sports

Last week, news broke that a bidding war had erupted over a hockey team – the Ottawa Senators, to be precise. The bidders weren’t your typical unknown billionaires, either. In the running are two of the biggest names in media: … read more

A family is having a meal together at the table.

10 Ways to Talk Money at the Dinner Table

Let’s face it: between always-on smartphones and never-ending practices, it isn’t easy to gather the family for family dinner on a regular basis. But that challenge hasn’t made it any less important. According to the University of Florida, “frequent family … read more

A group of mobile phones displaying a social media app.

Celebrate Financial Literacy Month with Biz Kid$

In case your calendar missed the moment, April is officially Financial Literacy Month. Yes, in addition to a month marked by spring cleaning and Easter baskets, this is the month we champion the merits of teaching kids about money. At … read more

A man holding a phone with a calculator app opened

Bringing Back Budgeting

What memories or emotions does the word “budget” bring to your mind? Perhaps it’s a childhood memory about buying clothes – or not buying clothes – for the new school year. Perhaps it’s recent headlines about the government’s inability to … read more

two mobile phones and two tablets

Just received a new gadget? Fill it with profitable fun.

Word from the North Pole is that this was a big year for screens of all varieties — new smartphones, TVs, and computers had Santa’s sleigh quite loaded down last week. Our take? Nothing could be better — if you … read more