A woman in a skirt is holding a newspaper.

Your Holiday Break: A Time to Create

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there. The children were … read more

What habit has saved you the most amount of money?

Live on a budget? Pay yourself first?  Cut up your credit cards? Check out the answers on reddit.com    

Heading to college? Credit card tips for freshmen…..

Here’s a link to some great tips on credit that they don’t teach you in high school: http://www.creditcardinsider.com/credit-cards/student/college-and-your-credit/

What’s YOUR credit score?

If you’ve paid off your credit card DON’T cancel your card!  It can actually hurt your credit score.  Ya….who knew??  So how do they calculate your credit score anyway?  Here’s an inside tip: http://www.whatsmyscore.org/break/howdetermined.php

The official seal of the pig.

A New Adventure in Financial Literacy!

Biz Kid$ has just launched an exciting new activity for classrooms and local credit unions across the country: the Biz Kid$ Piggy Hunt! Students watch Biz Kid$ video clips, then answer questions about the episode. Once the students have successfully … read more

Two men standing next to each other in a shoe shop.

Funding Your Idea

One of the biggest challenges for any young entrepreneur is the money problem. How do you take your idea from dream to reality while making barely enough money to pay for gas for your car or tickets to the movies? … read more

A young man in a red shirt is looking at the camera.

Hedgehogs and Entrepreneurship

Have you ever heard of the “hedgehog principle”? The term comes from one of the best-selling business books of all time, Good to Great by Jim Collins. In it, Collins describes his research defining what it means to be a … read more

A boy is standing in front of a table full of cans.

Growing Pains

John D. Rockefeller once said, “I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty.” In the world of youth entrepreneurship, the new obligations that come with success can be overwhelming. At Biz Kid$, we … read more

A stack of united states checks with the statue of liberty.

The Great Myth of the Tax Refund

Tax day passed a week ago, and in just enough time for your parents to recover from their sleep-deprived, last minute tax filing, refunds will begin to arrive in mailboxes across the country in a matter of days. If you … read more

A man holding up a hand with the number 440 written on it.

Credit Scores 101

“A FICO score above 700 is required.” “We reserve the right to perform a credit check.” “Excellent credit required.”  How often do you hear statements like this? Do they leave you scratching your head? What is a credit score, anyway, … read more

Budgets just like walking a tightrope it's all in the balance.

Budgets, Evolved.

What comes to mind when you hear the word “budget?” For some, pictures of envelopes stuffed with cash are the standard. For others, detailed Excel documents are a must. From the halls of congress to the Velcro wallets of tweens, … read more

A man standing next to a car with a sign on it.

The allure of the shiny new purchase

So you want to buy that shiny new iPad? Or a sweet electric guitar? You just can’t stop thinking about going on a dream shopping spree? We hear the same financial advice all the time: separate your wants and your … read more