A light bulb next to a dollar bill.

3 Smart Sources for Money-Making Ideas

One of the most frequent questions we hear is this: How can I make money?  For many wannabe Biz Kids, the problem isn’t drive or desire. It’s ideas. Where should you start? What kind of business can I start? Today, we’re … read more

Biz Kid Guide: How to be a Pro

So you want to be a pro, but you’re not sure if you’ve got what it takes? Don’t fret, Biz Kid. We’ve done the legwork for you, and collected the best advice to make a first impression and create repeat … read more

A group of people watching a soccer game.

How Parents Can Encourage Entrepreneurship

At the basketball games, the bleachers are filled with super-fan parents, cheering on their players with the tenacity only a parent can deliver. Debate competitions, more subdued but equally passionate. And choir recitals and musical performances empty local florists of … read more

A young man holding a loaf of bread.

The Hidden Lessons in #firstsevenjobs

This month, a conversation about first jobs started on social media, inspired by the hashtag #firstsevenjobs. Celebrities joined in, listing out their (oh so normal!) first occupations, like these: #firstsevenjobs construction, bus boy, cafeteria server, library data entry, futon frame maker, … read more

Posted in Business for Kids, Money Facts
A man is putting a balloon figure on a table.

Biz Kid Q&A with Balloonologist Travis DeRose

The following is a guest post Q&A with Biz Kid and balloonologist Travis DeRose. Tell us about your business. What do you do, and what inspired you? I’m an expert balloonologist, a balloon twister. I twist at various restaurants including some … read more

A group of girl scouts posing in the back of a truck.

Times, they are a Changin’

Well, it’s happened. That little knock on the door, followed by an irresistible offer of delicious cookies from an ambitious girl scout, has gone digital. For many Biz Kids, selling girl scout cookies is a first step in a lifetime of entrepreneurialism. … read more

A graph showing the number of players in a poker game.

Baby Steps & Setbacks

What do you think Warren Buffett was doing at your age? Applying to Ivy League universities and being welcomed with open arms? How about Steve Jobs? Probably designing an incredible gadget all of his friends would want, right? Or Vera Wang–surely … read more

Indiegogo statistics all campaign owners should know.

Launching a Business Before You Can Drive

See if this challenge feels familiar: you have an invention that your family and friends are encouraging you to create, but there’s a problem: you need some cash to create it. And you’re a teenager. You don’t have any credit, … read more

A cow with a number on its back.

What’s in a Brand?

What comes to mind when you hear the word brand? A cow marked as belonging to a certain farm? A logo of your favorite gadget company? The way your coolest friend dresses and speaks? Actually, all of those responses would be … read more

A group of people in a hospital room.

Teens Bake Cakes to Renovate an African Hospital

The following is a guest post written by Alison Geist of Demoss. For Gabe (age 15) and Livvy (age 11) Feinn, baking and decorating cakes isn’t about providing dessert; it’s about protecting lives. The two Louisville natives decided to raise $35,000 to renovate a mission hospital … read more

An oreo cookie on a black background with the words you can't dunk in the dark.

Change of Plans

There’s a word I’ve noticed being used at increasing rates in recent months, especially in the startup community: “nimble.” According to Dictionary.com, nimble means, “quick and light in movement; moving with ease; agile; active; rapid.” Our society is advancing at … read more

Two men sitting at a desk with a computer in front of them.

Savoring the Days of Small Beginnings

We’ve all heard the stories, and we’ve even profiled some of them: “Teenager Sells App to Yahoo for $70 Million” “Facebook CEO is youngest Self-Made Billionaire” “True Tales of Overnight Millionaires” The headlines are so frequent, and the stories so … read more