A newspaper article about clothes make the salesman.

A Journey in Paying for College, Part 2

This is part two of a two-part series. For part one, click here. When I opened my email during the summer before my Junior year of college, I was met with an alarming surprise. The email was from the foundation … read more

A screen shot of a loan summary page.

Student Loans Paid, and Oh the Journey it Was

Last week, I did something I’d been trying to accomplish for four years: I paid off my student loans. For me, this was a milestone not just because I had finished paying off $14,000 in debt. It marked the end … read more

A room full of cheese in a warehouse.

A Bank for Cheese

Do you love the smell of money? What does your money smell like? How about Parmesan? Or Cheddar? We know that currencies come in all shapes and sizes, but did you know that in Italy, there’s a bank that accepts … read more

A screen shot of an ethics page.

What is “Business Ethics,” anyway?

What is business ethics? Is it a moral standard? Is it a universal set of rules, or is it personal to each of us? Is it a matter just for people involved in high-stakes deals, or for all of us? … read more

A red car parked in a parking lot.

Catching up with Amanda, Part 2

This is a continuation of our guest blog series from Biz Kid$ host Amanda. After a few days back in the states, I applied for three restaurant jobs. Each restaurant offered me a job due to my five years of waitressing … read more

Three women sitting on top of a metal sculpture near the ocean.

Catching up with Biz Kid Amanda

Hello Biz Kids! Biz Kid Amanda, here! Four months ago, I came back to Washington from living a year in Spain as an Au Pair. I lived there to experience a new culture and practice teaching English as a second … read more

The definition of the word 'intentional'.

2015: The Year of Intentionality

Happy New Year, Biz Kid! It’s officially 2015. Have you made your resolutions yet? After a whirlwind of a year for me personally in 2014—getting married, fulfilling three weeks of jury duty, working on a chapter for a book, and … read more

A chess game with pink and blue pigs on a chess board.

Top Secret: Sneak Peak at our New Game

“Break the Bank,” coming in 2015.

Posted in Business for Kids
A man is working on a car in a garage.

The Sharing Movement: Breakthrough for Teen Entrepreneurs

Bootstrapping. Lean iteration. Crowdsourcing. All three of these terms have become buzzwords recently, as part of a growing movement of entrepreneurship that seeks to get to market quickly, committing to as little initial infrastructure and investment as possible. The idea … read more

A man speaking at a podium in front of a ford logo.

A $146 Billion Family Business

What comes to mind when you think of a family-run business? Kitchen table meetings? Homemade lunches? Father/son arguments over strategy? How about $146 billion in revenue and a brand that’s recognized around the world? If that didn’t come to your … read more

Biz Kid Kaelon’s Exciting New Purchase

We’re catching up with one of your favorite Biz Kid$ hosts to hear about his new home, an RV!

A group of people sitting around a table with laptops.

Catching up with Ernst & Young Social Venture Contest Winner

You may remember Eli Weed. Eli was a finalist in our Social Venture competition sponsored by Ernst & Young for his ground-breaking software program designed to help children with Dyslexia learn to type. We awarded him with $500 and mentorship with … read more