Summer Ventures: 5 Wacky Business Ideas for Teens

Summer’s here, and while some teens are perfecting their tan lines, why not soak up some cash instead? Here’s five off-beat business ideas that’ll make summer sizzle with $$$ and success: 1. **Bedazzled Bike Brigade**: Turn heads and pedal profits … read more

Posted in Business for Kids
Monochrome image of sculptures depicting the "see no evil, hear no evil" concept with two gorillas.

Why Financial Basics > Financial Fads

If you’d listened to the financial “wisdom” of the pundits on social media over the last couple of years, you’d have been in for one heck of a roller coaster ride. If you happened to get lucky with regards to … read more

Posted in credit-debt, financial-basics
Three colorful keys lying on a white surface.

3 Keys for Growing your Dough in 2024

Take a quick survey of the 2024 New Year’s resolutions of close friends and family, and two words are likely to bubble to the surface: more and less. “I want to look at my phone less this year.” “I want … read more

This year, get SMART about resolutions

In case you misplaced your calendar, a glance around the internet is all you need to know which week it is. Ah, yes, the first week of January is here. With it, resolutions are running rampant. Some publications, celebrities, and … read more

Posted in Young Entrepreneurs
A room filled with boxes and a truck.

It’s True: #Adulting Has Never Been Tougher

In good times and bad, some things never change. Among them? The teenage dream of moving out. #Adulting, if you will. But recent years have made that aspiration increasingly challenging to turn into reality. From soaring inflation to the rising … read more

Posted in adulting
A cup of coffee and a book on a table in front of a christmas tree.

This Holiday, Break Not from Brilliance

In a matter of days, the final exams will be turned in and the holiday jams will be turned on. Half the school year is complete and a time for joy, relaxation, and festivities awaits. But that doesn’t mean that … read more

Posted in entrepreneurship
A woman is holding a sparkler in her hand.

Gifts That Changed the Course of History

Love it or dread it, ‘tis the season of giving. If you’re reading this blog, chances are that you’re either a parent of an aspiring young entrepreneur, or a parent aspiring for your child to become a young entrepreneur. The … read more

Two men standing in front of a shed.

The Incredible, Edible, Sellable Egg

Perfectly positioned between Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska, a young entrepreneur named Nolan Stroy is counting his chickens before they hatch. But that’s no metaphor — the eggs his chickens lay are a thriving business for Nolan. 40 chickens produce dozens … read more

A black and white photo of a building with columns.

What’s Up with Interest Rates?

Yesterday’s headlines were clear: The Fed was leaving interest rates unchanged. Clear – if you know what the heck such a sentence even means. If you feel out of the loop, you’re not alone. Wedged between Taylor Swift updates, “The … read more

A person is holding up a phone with the fortnite logo on it.

The Fortnite Mistake That Netted a Family $25K

When Tyler Sullivan was ten years old, his mom approached him with a mystery: $200 in small charges had appeared on her credit card statement from Apple. This, after Tyler had become obsessed with the game Fortnite. Coincidence? Tyler insisted … read more

A white shark swimming in the dark.

TV’s Newest Shark Has Biz Kid Blood

Television’s most famous tank has a new shark. “Shark Tank,” the pitch competition TV series, just announced the addition of Michael Rubin to the series’ lineup. Today, he heads Fanatics, the sportswear company with $8 billion in annual revenue and … read more

A sign that says trick or treat on a window display.

Credit & Debt: Trick or Treat?

An old phrase has always made me stop and ponder: “debt is a tool.” Just like a saw or a hammer, the phrase suggests, debt can hurt or help. Some businesspeople swear by debt – “leverage,” they call it. In … read more

Posted in credit-debt