This Holiday, Break Not from Brilliance

This Holiday, Break Not from Brilliance



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A cup of coffee and a book on a table in front of a christmas tree.

In a matter of days, the final exams will be turned in and the holiday jams will be turned on. Half the school year is complete and a time for joy, relaxation, and festivities awaits. But that doesn’t mean that a Biz Kid must put their dreams on hold. Far from it. Your holiday break is a perfect opportunity to harness your creativity, fuel your passion, and take significant steps in your entrepreneurial journey. Let’s explore some creative ways you can stay productive and get innovative over the next two weeks.

Look Back (and Ahead)

Take advantage of the downtime to reflect on your entrepreneurial journey so far. What worked well? What could be improved? Set realistic yet motivating goals for the upcoming year. Use this time for strategic planning and envisioning the future of your venture.


Holiday gatherings provide an excellent opportunity for networking. Attend local holiday events, connect with fellow entrepreneurs, and share your story. You never know when a casual conversation could turn into a valuable collaboration or partnership.

Host a Festive Pop-up Shop

If you make a product or craft, consider hosting a holiday pop-up shop. Create a last-minute shopping experience for your customers, offering special discounts or gift wrap.

Holiday-Themed Content Creation

Use the holiday spirit to your advantage by creating engaging and festive content for your audience. Whether it’s holiday-themed blog posts, social media campaigns, or creative videos, tapping into the holiday vibe can help you connect with your audience while they’re in the holiday spirit.

Learn Something New

The holiday break is a fabulous opportunity to acquire new skills. Enroll in online courses, attend workshops, or dive into books that can enhance your knowledge and capabilities. Whether it’s digital marketing, coding, or graphic design, expanding your skills could give you a competitive edge when 2024 makes its big debut.

Collaborate with Other Entrepreneurs

Reach out to fellow entrepreneurs in your network and explore collaboration opportunities. Whether it’s a joint marketing campaign, a collaborative product launch, or a shared event, chances are that other young entrepreneurs will have some free time in the days to come, too.

Create a Vision Board

Visualize your aspirations by creating a vision board for your entrepreneurial journey. Use images, quotes, and symbols (recycled gift wrap, anyone?) that represent your goals and dreams. Display it prominently near your workspace to serve as a constant source of inspiration.

Stare at a Wall

A famous journalist once responded to a question about their favorite hobby by saying, “I like to go home and stare at the wall.” Perhaps the most difficult task of all for a distracted, phone-addicted society, forcing yourself to be bored and clear your mind can be downright productive. You never know what your mind might come up with when given a moment to breathe.

This holiday break, enjoy your well-earned time off from schoolwork while taking advantage of the rare chance to get creative and entrepreneurial. Embrace creativity, connect with others, and take strategic steps toward your goals. It’s going to be a good year.

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