An old black and white photo of a man in a suit.

Discovering the Next Big Idea

There is one question every entrepreneur, every investor, and every Biz Kid likely wishes they had the answer to: what is the next big idea? What is the next product, service, website, or app that will captivate the world and … read more

A black and white drawing of a man holding a briefcase.

7 Tools for the Aspiring Entrepreneur

Resources for young business moguls are everywhere. Surprised? You may just not know where to look. Magazines, blogs, competitions, and foundations exist solely for the purpose of equipping young entrepreneurs to launch businesses of their own. We’ve gathered a few … read more

Posted in Business for Kids

Understand Credit Card Do’s and Don’ts

Guest post by David Bakke. David Bakke lives in Atlanta, Georgia with his young son. In addition to running a reselling business online, David writes about making smart personal finance decisions on Money Crashers. Once you have decided on a credit … read more

Posted in Business for Kids
A man is holding a bunch of credit cards.

Choose the Best Credit Card for Your Child

Guest post by David Bakke. David Bakke lives in Atlanta, Georgia with his young son. In addition to running a reselling business online, David writes about making smart personal finance decisions on Money Crashers.   The best credit card to choose … read more

Posted in Business for Kids
A man holding up a bunch of credit cards.

3 Tips to Teach Your Kids About Responsibly Using Credit Cards

Guest post by David Bakke. David Bakke lives in Atlanta, Georgia with his young son. In addition to running a reselling business online, David writes about making smart personal finance decisions on Money Crashers. It is debatable as to whether … read more

Posted in Business for Kids
A clock on the side of a building with christmas decorations.

Making the most of your holiday break

The much-anticipated season of the holiday break is almost upon us. Yes, the treasured days of sleeping in until Russia is already waking up for the next day, watching enough TV to affect the national ratings, and eating enough colorful … read more

Posted in Business for Kids
A woman laughing with a purple shirt and hoop earrings.

Biz Kid$ Host Lauren on Graduating!

Hey Biz Kid$!  Lauren here, writing from Washington, DC.  I just graduated from Howard University in May, and now I’m out here living on my own and looking for a job.  Transitioning from school to the “real world” can be … read more

Posted in Business for Kids

Biz Kids Bowling for Community Youth Activism

It’s happened again… We’ve found a group of Biz Kids making a difference in their community! The Seattle Young People’s Project will be featured on the upcoming season of Biz Kid$ in 2012, discussing the planning of a grassroots Bowl-a-Thon fundraiser called … read more

Posted in Business for Kids

What Determines Your Car Insurance Rates?

What Determines Your Car Insurance Rates? By Guest Blogger Murray Newlands   Credit reports are increasingly utilized by people across the country in determining their credit score. Times are tough and we’re all trying to save money in anyway that … read more

Now Hiring: Professional Monster

At Biz Kid$, we are constantly hearing of innovative, bright, creative kids making things happen in the world. Daz Henry is one of those kids, and we couldn’t help but share his story with you. Daz is a seventeen-year-old from … read more

A woman with long curly hair and pink hair.

Biz Kid$ Host Amanda on Saving $$ in College

Hey Biz Kids! Amanda here, with a tip that could save you a lot of money during college! I am very fortunate that my wonderful parents pay for my college tuition, but I carry the responsibility of rent, bills, food, extra … read more

Welcome to the new and improved Biz Kid$ Website!

As you can see, a lot has been going on over the past few months as we’ve been working feverishly to get the new website up and running! There is a lot to explore, and we hope you’ll take some … read more