Biz Kid on the Go: Catching up with Austin, Part 2
Austin’s complicated income led to $700 in debt when he didn’t have a clear budget. We’re checking in with Austin on how he’s balancing college, work, and budgeting!
Austin’s complicated income led to $700 in debt when he didn’t have a clear budget. We’re checking in with Austin on how he’s balancing college, work, and budgeting!
A few weeks ago, my girlfriend’s mom mentioned that cupcakes were the new fad. I (foolishly) quickly jumped into the conversation, exclaiming that cupcakes had been a fad for years and were definitely old news. The new fad, I exclaimed, was … → read more
Today’s guest blogger is Zach Haney, the 18-year-old owner of Kansas Carnival Supply. I was eleven years old when I started my first business. Some of my earliest ventures were just stepping stones towards a better business. By seventeen I was running one … → read more
Razors have been around for hundreds of years. Some would say, “whatever can be done has been done.” So why is a year-old company called Harry’s entering this well-established market? What could they possibly gain? Well, it turns out, they’re … → read more
What happens when two young lacrosse players live in a community without a lacrosse store? Well if those two young people are Biz Kids, they start one. That’s just what happened when Malik and Micah, 13- and 10-year old lacrosse-playing … → read more
Picture this: It’s December 31, 2014. Another year has come and gone. Where do you want to be in a year? What do you want to be working on? What do you hope you’ve accomplished. The Holidays are wrapping up, … → read more
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there. The children were … → read more
If I had a nickel for every article, blog post, or news segment I’ve seen about my generation this year, I think I would get close to the GDP of China. “What drives Millennials” “15 Traits of Millennials” “Why Millennials … → read more
This morning, one day after Halloween was over, I got an email from my sister. The email was sent to our entire family, establishing a plan for sharing gift ideas for Christmas. Two weeks before that, my little brother also … → read more
We have breaking financial literacy news! Our friends at DoSomething.org have partnered with H&R Block’s “Dollars and Sense” program to create three personal finance workshops for teens. The workshops, taught by teens, will equip aspiring Biz Kids with the tools they need to … → read more
Hey Biz Kids! Do you smell what I smell? Is that…bacon? Well you didn’t hear it from me, but there’s a brand new Biz Kid$ game in the works! I’ll tell you more as the debut gets closer, but for … → read more
What a week. If you’re an especially astute teen, you are probably aware that there is a battle happening in Washington over the Federal budget. If you are like most Americans, you are probably confused about what exactly that means, … → read more