Four people posing for a photo at the emmy awards.

Biz Kid$ at the Daytime Emmy Awards

Here are a few pics of Biz Kid$ at the recent Daytime Emmy Awards.  We were nominated in three categories – directing, single camera photography, and sound design thanks to Bad Animals.  Unfortunately we didn’t win, but it was still … read more

Biz Kid$ nominated for three Daytime Emmy Awards!

Woohoo!  The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences announced today that Biz Kid$ has been nominated in three categories for Daytime Emmy Awards:  Directing, Single Camera Photography, and Sound Editing.  The Daytime Creative Arts Emmy Awards gala, which honors … read more

Biz Kid$ to ring NYSE closing bell on Monday, April 11

Biz Kid$ has the honor of ringing the NYSE closing bell to help celebrate financial literacy week.  The day will include an online interview with Tracy Byrnes of Fox Business News, a teacher training event, and the bell-ringing ceremony with … read more

Check out these 30 steps to Financial Wellness

April is the official National Financial Literacy Month; however the experts at Money Management International know that regardless of the day or month of the year you begin, the 30 step path will help you achieve financial wellness. Take the … read more

A man and woman sitting at a desk in front of a camera.

Biz Kids in production on Season 4!

Biz Kids is back in production on episodes 45-52, and better than ever.  The new stage is amazing and we have our wonderful team back in place.  Look for new episodes to air April 2011. Here are a couple of … read more

Play Visa Financial Soccer

Play this online game from Visa to test your financial skills and learn a few things about saving $$$.

Posted in Business for Kids

The Secret Millionaires Club

Cool link for kids — the Secret Millionaires Club is an animated show that features Warren Buffett (uber investor), who lends his voice to his character.  He plays the mentor to a group of kids who learn about business and how … read more

Posted in Business for Kids

Two Daytime Emmy Award Nominations for Biz Kid$

We’ve been nominated in two categories for Daytime Emmy Awards:  Single Camera Photography and Single Camera Editing.  Way to go Mike, Alex, and Jim….you guys rock!  The award ceremony takes place in Los Angeles on June 25th — keep your fingers … read more

Posted in Business for Kids

Biz Kid$ rings New York Stock Exchange bell!!!

What’s better than ringing the NYSE bell when you’re a kids TV series on financial literacy?  Thanks to all the young entrepreneurs who joined us….

Posted in Business for Kids

Biz Kid$ to ring NYSE bell Wed., April 28th!

What’s one of the biggest honors a Biz Kid could have?  How about ringing the New York Stock Exchange bell?!  To celebrate the launch of 5 new episodes in April, which is financial literacy month, Biz Kid$ will be ringing the … read more

Posted in Business for Kids

Allowance FACE – Lady GaGa Parody

Na na na na, you spend it all in one day……   VIDEO CLIP OF LADY NANA:

Posted in Business for Kids

Biz Kid$ back in production!

Yup…..we’re back for at least 5 more episodes ….likely more!  Yahoo!  Welcome back to cast and crew….. Look for the first episode ‘Are You Financially Literate?’ to air nationwide in April (financial literacy month).  Check out the behind-the-scenes production pics on … read more

Posted in Business for Kids