A white line drawing of a pig on a colorful background.

4 Perspectives on Kids & Allowance

The following is a special post from our brand new parent blog, The Money Talk. Consider this a sneak peek, then bookmark www.bkmoneytalk.com to read all of the parent-minded posts moving forward! Allowance. As with every corner of parenting, it’s … read more

Posted in Parent Tips
A calculator, pen and money on a white table.

Getting Real: Spilling the Family Budget

The following is a special post from our brand new parent blog, The Money Talk. Consider this a sneak peek, then bookmark www.bkmoneytalk.com to read all of the parent-minded posts moving forward!     For generations, there were two topics … read more

A black background with a black square.

Introducing Our New Blog for Parents!

Attention, moms and dads across America: your new favorite resource for all things money is now live! The Biz Kid$ team has been hard at work creating a new blog–Money Talk–just for you. The goal of Money Talk is to … read more

Posted in Biz Kid$ News, Parent Tips
How to run a million dollars.

A Resource for Every Resolution

So, Biz Kid, are you among the millions of Americans spending their New Year’s Day jotting down resolutions for the coming year? If so, we wanted to tell you about a few of our resources that could help make your … read more

A group of people watching a soccer game.

How Parents Can Encourage Entrepreneurship

At the basketball games, the bleachers are filled with super-fan parents, cheering on their players with the tenacity only a parent can deliver. Debate competitions, more subdued but equally passionate. And choir recitals and musical performances empty local florists of … read more

A group of people sitting at a table with a dollar sign.

Talking to Your Kids about Money

When it comes to dinnertime conversations, some topics are easier to entertain than others. We’ve all experienced a shrug or mumble in response to a question about our kids’ days from time to time. But when it comes to topics of money, the bigger … read more

A handwritten note on a piece of paper.

A Hard-Fought Negotiation: Allowance

Allowance. For many of us, it’s our first chance at earning an income. A shot of spending power. The ability to budget, to save, to give. And for two young Biz Kids, it introduced their first moment at the negotiating table, as well. The … read more

A group of people taking a selfie at the oscars.

Advertising: You are the Target!

Think for a moment about the last 5 marketing messages that came before your eyes. Was it difficult or easy? 50 years ago, you would have gone back a couple hours in your memory. Perhaps to the newspaper ads you … read more

PARENT TIP: Tell your teen to get the 411 on cell phone charges!

Do you still pay for your teen’s cellphone bill?  A recent article in the Wall Street Journal says “more than 2 in 5 parents of 18-to-35 year old adult children still pay for their kids’ cellphone service.” 78% of teens … read more

Parent Tip: What to do when your kid invents something cool?

Explaining Patents to Kids: Sometimes parents underestimate their kids’ ideas.  But you never know if they could be the next Alexander Graham Bell, Ben Franklin, or……… Frank Epperson! Who is Frank Epperson? He is an 11-year old boy who invented … read more