A Resource for Every Resolution

So, Biz Kid, are you among the millions of Americans spending their New Year’s Day jotting down resolutions for the coming year? If so, we wanted to tell you about a few of our resources that could help make your resolutions a reality, come New Year’s Eve 2017. So check out the following resolutions. If they sound familiar, check out the corresponding resource. Each one is free, and ready for you to download today. Cheers!


“I resolve to actually write a business plan.”

Guide to Writing a Business Plan


“I resolve to use my free time to be inspired, rather than veg out.”

Young Entrepreneur Profiles


“I resolve to save every month.”

Saving & Investing Lesson Plans


“I resolve to turn my wild idea into a real money maker.”

Profit Calculation Worksheet

“I resolve to make financial literacy a priority in my family.”

Jump$tart Activity Sheets


“I resolve to turn my allowance into big bucks.”

How to Turn $100 into $1,000,000

(Our new book!)

“I resolve to be a more professional Biz Kid than ever before.”

How 2 B a Pro Guide