The number 2014 is written with sparklers on a black background.

2014: The Year of the Biz Kid

Picture this: It’s December 31, 2014. Another year has come and gone. Where do you want to be in a year? What do you want to be working on? What do you hope you’ve accomplished. The Holidays are wrapping up, … read more

The official seal of the pig.

A New Adventure in Financial Literacy!

Biz Kid$ has just launched an exciting new activity for classrooms and local credit unions across the country: the Biz Kid$ Piggy Hunt! Students watch Biz Kid$ video clips, then answer questions about the episode. Once the students have successfully … read more

Two men standing next to each other in a shoe shop.

Funding Your Idea

One of the biggest challenges for any young entrepreneur is the money problem. How do you take your idea from dream to reality while making barely enough money to pay for gas for your car or tickets to the movies? … read more

President john f kennedy giving a speech.

Communicating that Great Idea

What do you think the major difference is between Biz Kids with great ideas and Biz Kids who have turned their great ideas into a trail of success? Any ideas? If I were to take a guess, one huge difference … read more

Posted in Business Plans, Young Entrepreneurs
A boy is standing in front of a table full of cans.

Growing Pains

John D. Rockefeller once said, “I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty.” In the world of youth entrepreneurship, the new obligations that come with success can be overwhelming. At Biz Kid$, we … read more

Four people posing for a photo at the emmy awards.

Biz Kid$ at the Daytime Emmy Awards

Here are a few pics of Biz Kid$ at the recent Daytime Emmy Awards.  We were nominated in three categories – directing, single camera photography, and sound design thanks to Bad Animals.  Unfortunately we didn’t win, but it was still … read more

Students Changing the World Again!

THE COPPENHAGEN WHEEL – Students at MIT are about to change the world of transportation (and start a new business) with their new invention called The Copenhagen Wheel.  This is a great example of thinking outside the box! They developed a … read more