A pile of colorful paper clips on an orange background.

15 Fun Family Activities that Don’t Cost a Dime

In a matter of days, Halloween will be behind us and the holiday season will begin in full swing. As the wish lists grow, the commercials entice, and dreams of family vacations swirl in our heads, it’s due time to … read more

Posted in Business for Kids
A school bus is parked on a road.

Talking Money in the Classroom (Without Spending Any)

Across the country, school bells have begun to ring. Locker dials are spinning, teachers’ lounges are buzzing, and new backpacks are emitting that unmistakable new year aroma. School is back in session. As the 2019-2020 school year unfolds, so does … read more

Posted in Business for Kids
A light bulb next to a dollar bill.

5 Things We Learned During Financial Literacy Month

America is a C-student when it comes to money. Inside Sources reported that our country’s lack of financial literacy is to blame, with most schools providing kids with exactly zero education about money. “Only 27 percent of young adults know basic … read more

A person holding up a cell phone in front of a billboard in times square.

The Biz Kid Advantage to Influence Marketing

The term influencer has become a buzzy term. Kids long to be one, parents roll their eyes at the concept, and even children’s book publishers are scrambling to find a place for the new category of celebrity. Even Saturday Night Live parodied … read more

Dollar-class - screenshot thumbnail.

Viva la Lemonade Stand!

Most of us have a similar reaction when passing a lemonade stand run by adorable children: a smile, and chuckle and if time allows, a show of support. But that’s not everybody. Apparently not on that list: exhibitors at the … read more

A baby is playing with stuffed animals on a bed.

The Big Business of Babysitting

When the prime years for lemonade stand management have run their course, one of the first occupations filled by many tweens is babysitting. It’s no small job, and it’s no small industry! Childcare as a whole is responsible for $21 … read more

Posted in Business for Kids
A christmas tree with the words'kids holiday gift guide'.

Biz Kid$ 2018 Holiday Gift Guide

Shopping for the young entrepreneur in your life? We’re here to help. We’ve assembled a number of our favorite gifts for the Biz Kids in your life. Some are products made by young entrepreneurs, and others are gifts perfect for giving to young entrepreneurs. Either … read more

A group of lego boxes with a man and a woman.

2018’s Hottest Gifts for Young Entrepreneurs

The holidays are upon us! As gift-giving season goes into full swing, we’ve gathered some of our favorite gifts for the aspiring Biz Kids in your life. Steve Jobs Lego Figure The world’s most famous entrepreneur now comes in Lego … read more

A full moon is seen in the dark sky.

Moonlighting…As a Biz Kid

For grownups, “moonlighting” refers to a side business that occupies their time away from their primary day job. In other words, under the moonlight. For Biz Kids, moonlighting tends to be the only option. (School is really, really important, after … read more

Biz Kid$ Goes Back to School

Depending on what part of the country you call home, this week finds you either in the first few days of school, or the waning days of summer break. For teachers, the new year brings new opportunities for fresh content, … read more

A business plan on a table next to a cell phone.

4 Tips for a Million Dollar Summer

For Biz Kids around the country, the final school bell is about to ring. With it, the ultimate reward for scholastic success: summer. You earned it, and you should enjoy it. But what if it could reward you, too? Spending … read more

A room full of people at a party.

Season 6 will air soon. Making it was quite the party.

It was a Biz Kid$ bash for the ages. Actually, make that six Biz Kid$ bashes. Six more episodes of our Emmy-winning television series are coming to TV this summer, which means we’ve been working (and playing) hard, taping young entrepreneur profiles all … read more

Posted in Business for Kids