A girl with money on her head.

4 Ways to Make Money on Social Media

Many teens’ lists of ambitions share a common goal: gaining fame on social media. While the appeal of making money from being, well…liked…is obvious, the reality can be much more complex (and potentially disappointing.) But that doesn’t mean there isn’t … read more

Chatterf optimizing language labels for dialogue.

Unpacking the Buzz Behind AI

The terms “generative AI,” “artificial intelligence,” and “ChatGPT” have been flying around in a frenzy for the last several months, with everyone from tech journalists to grandparents claiming the end of the world as we know it. So what’s all … read more

A person standing on a lifeguard stand with a red umbrella.

5 Keys to Snagging a Summer Job in 2023

If you blinked, you may have missed it. June is here! With it, the start of teenage employment season. One headline described the state of summer employment this way: “Summer jobs are plentiful for those who want to work.” So … read more

A woman wearing sunglasses on a pink background.

Fashion & Fortune: An Inseparable Bond

The hottest ticket in (bizarre) fashion got $20,000 more expensive this year. Tickets to the 2023 Met Gala were an eye-popping $50,000 each. And no, forking over five figures doesn’t grant you admission alone. The pricey sum is due only … read more

Posted in entrepreneurship
A group of people standing in front of a screen.

Profiting from Play: Making Money in Sports

Last week, news broke that a bidding war had erupted over a hockey team – the Ottawa Senators, to be precise. The bidders weren’t your typical unknown billionaires, either. In the running are two of the biggest names in media: … read more

A group of people playing with legos on a table.

To Dream Big, Start Small

Becoming an entrepreneur is no small feat. But doing so as a kid or teen? That can be downright daunting. One of the biggest hurdles to taking an idea to market is the giant leap required to transform a sketch … read more

How to make a million dollars.

The 11 Most Profitable Inventions of All Time

Most aspiring Biz Kids have similar daydreams: what if the gadget, gizmo, or service that fills their notebooks ends up being a runaway success? What if it makes them a millionaire? Or better yet, what if it goes down in … read more

Posted in entrepreneurship
A business plan on a table next to a cell phone.

Business plans: What’s with all the fuss?

In the world of entrepreneurship, two words act as the gateway between dreams and reality: business plan. Our business plan template for teens has long been our site’s #1 most downloaded resource – and one of the most popular such … read more

Posted in entrepreneurship
A woman is holding money in front of a coffee cup.

Making a Splash – and a Profit – as a Kid Entrepreneur

This is part three of a three-part series on youth entrepreneurship. You can read part one here and part two here. Two weeks ago, we championed the news of entrepreneurship’s rise with a rallying cry to launch a business of … read more

Posted in entrepreneurship, financial-basics
Man hand with wrist watch pulling paper pin thread

Finding Funding for a Kid-Led Venture

This is part two of a three-part series on youth entrepreneurship. You can read part one here. Last week on this very platform, we heralded the notable news – that last year was one of the very best on record … read more

Two men skydiving in a blue and yellow helmet

Entrepreneurship is peaking. Ready to take the plunge?

Let’s face it: stats calculating…anything…from the last two years haven’t given us much to celebrate. But today, we’re throwing confetti over a truly awesome development just declared in Inc. Magazine. Ready for the inspiring news? Here it is: 2022 was … read more

two mobile phones and two tablets

Just received a new gadget? Fill it with profitable fun.

Word from the North Pole is that this was a big year for screens of all varieties — new smartphones, TVs, and computers had Santa’s sleigh quite loaded down last week. Our take? Nothing could be better — if you … read more