A young man in a red shirt is looking at the camera.

Hedgehogs and Entrepreneurship

Have you ever heard of the “hedgehog principle”? The term comes from one of the best-selling business books of all time, Good to Great by Jim Collins. In it, Collins describes his research defining what it means to be a … read more

Cool kids cola - screenshot thumbnail.

Good Design & The Young Entrepreneur

Let’s face it: in business, most of us judge a book by its cover. If you have a stack of pizza menus in front of you, which one will you choose? Probably the one with the best pictures and most … read more

A boy is standing in front of a table full of cans.

Growing Pains

John D. Rockefeller once said, “I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty.” In the world of youth entrepreneurship, the new obligations that come with success can be overwhelming. At Biz Kid$, we … read more

A boy is riding a skateboard in a parking lot.

The Innovative Race to First

There is a much-loved term in the world of entrepreneurship called “first mover advantage.” The first mover advantage is the head start that is gained by being the very first person to enter a market or create a product. Steve … read more

An old black and white photo of a man in a suit.

Discovering the Next Big Idea

There is one question every entrepreneur, every investor, and every Biz Kid likely wishes they had the answer to: what is the next big idea? What is the next product, service, website, or app that will captivate the world and … read more

Now Hiring: Professional Monster

At Biz Kid$, we are constantly hearing of innovative, bright, creative kids making things happen in the world. Daz Henry is one of those kids, and we couldn’t help but share his story with you. Daz is a seventeen-year-old from … read more

Students Changing the World Again!

THE COPPENHAGEN WHEEL – Students at MIT are about to change the world of transportation (and start a new business) with their new invention called The Copenhagen Wheel.  This is a great example of thinking outside the box! They developed a … read more