A girl wearing a hat and scarf in the snow.

Young entrepreneur follows her passion

When starting a business it’s important to follow your passion — even if you’re just 12 years old.  Isabella, one of the founders of Creative Doodle Kids, says she tried several business ideas but nothing seemed to stick.  Then she … read more

Posted in Business for Kids

Win $4000 with DoSomething.org!

DoSomething.org has a great way to win some moula for college.  What’s the craziest thing you did to save your greenbacks?  Submit your story about your money-saving scheme and you will be entered to win a $4,000 scholarship (so you don’t … read more

Posted in Business for Kids

Parent Tip: Why’s the DOW so high?

Investors are feeling giddy and that enthusiasm recently pushed the Dow Jones Industrial Average to new heights.  When your teen starts following the stock market, he or she will hear about indexes including the Dow, S&P 500, and Nasdaq Composite. … read more

Posted in Business for Kids

It’s never too late to start a business!

89-year old Grandma’s startup on Kickstarter: http://money.cnn.com/2013/02/20/smallbusiness/grandma-kickstarter-startup/index.html

Posted in Business for Kids

4 things young entrepreneurs need to know about the JOBS act

Want to start a business, but have no capital?  It won’t matter when the JOBS Act kicks in — new rules will help entrepreneurs sell equity through crowd funding: http://www.youngentrepreneur.com/blog/startup-news/4-things-young-entrepreneurs-need-to-know-about-the-jobs-act/

Posted in Business for Kids

Parent Tip: Think Big, But Not Too Big – Explaining Market Cap to Young Investors

It’s not the big kids who always win on the field and the same holds true for the plays investors make in the stock market. While market cap is a measure of how much a company is worth, it is … read more

Posted in Business for Kids

12 year old saves Grandma’s house from foreclosure

Check out Noah’s Dream Catcher Network, built by a budding 12-year old philanthropist.  Noah’s goal is to help people help each other.  Last year he even raised over $10,000 to prevent his Grandma’s home from being foreclosed.  Now that boy … read more

Why humor can be an entrepreneur’s best resource….

The co-founder of OrigAudio lets viewers in on the top business lessons he’s learned along with key tips on how to stand out amid stiff competition.  Check out his video  

Posted in Business for Kids

Snap Caps featured on SharkTank

We are so proud that our profile M3 Girl Designs, who make Snap Caps, secured investment by THREE of the sharks on SharkTank: http://youtu.be/nLzCD2wYHpQ

Posted in Business for Kids

Have you ever impulsively bought a coffin?

No?  Well…..this guy has:    My very own coffin What’s your craziest impulsive purchase?

Posted in Business for Kids

Teen creates kid-friendly version of Facebook

Teen defies parents, who banned him from Facebook, by creating his own social media site: http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2012/12/28/kid-friendly-social-media-site/1795845/

Posted in Business for Kids

‘Build Your Social Biz’ contest extended to Jan.31!

Good news — there’s still time to submit your idea to the ‘Build Your Social Biz’ contest!  The contest has been officially extended to January 31.  Got an idea to build a business and help your community with the proceeds? … read more

Posted in Business for Kids