A man carrying a red color bag looking at the sky

As loan payment restart, so does a big question

Nine days. That’s how long we have left in the student-loan-payment-free world we’ve all been living in since March of 2020. Three and a half years later, it’s easy to understand how the typical $350 monthly payment has been long … read more

A group of coffee cups surrounded by autumn leaves and pumpkins.

What Pumpkin Spice Teaches About Business

Love it or hate it, three letters have become synonymous with fall. Say them with me: PSL. Yes, pumpkin spice is back – the seasonal sensation that has taken the world by storm. Every year, before the leaves change color … read more

Books and Business: The Teen Entrepreneur’s Balancing Act

Being a teen entrepreneur can be a daunting task, even in the summertime. But add school, extracurricular activities, and a social life, and juggling everything at once can feel downright impossible. Yet with the right mindset, careful time management, and … read more

Back view of a boy standing in a classroom

At Biz Kid$, we’ve made our share of complaints about the lack of financial literacy taught in schools. But the reality is that, while more cut-and-dry money talk in classrooms would be a fabulous development, plenty of the lessons taught … read more

A boy holding a bag in hand walking on the street

Adulting 101: It’s All About that Budget

Yes, adulting is alluring. No sharing the remote with siblings. No nagging about dishes. No parents. Nothing but…freedom? The reality of living on your own isn’t as ­free as it might sound. Before you pack a single box, it’s essential … read more

Zuckerberg vs. Musk poster with smiling face

Zuckerberg vs. Musk: A Tale of Two Titans

Love ‘em or hate ‘em, Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are undoubtedly two of society’s most influential entrepreneurial legends. The two visionaries have reshaped entire industries, redefined success, and become icons for aspiring entrepreneurs worldwide. As rumors of a fight … read more

Close up shot of a bay barbie doll with pink shirt

Meet the Brains Behind Barbie

This month, it seems the entire world has been bathed in shades of pink. One of the biggest box office hits in years, Barbie has sent fans to theaters in droves – and offered a reminder to us all the … read more

Posted in entrepreneurship, financial-basics
As Summer Slips Away, image with two persons sitting

As Summer Slips Away, Get Time on Your Side

Summer is almost complete. Now how about those summertime goals, Biz Kid? Chances are, your list of summertime vacation ambitions still leaves many items unchecked. Don’t fret. And definitely don’t throw in the towel. Instead, prioritize. As the days for … read more

Some small paper clips pasted on face of a person

At Biz Kid$, the rationale behind our passion for children’s financial literacy is simple: the earlier a person learns the pitfalls of debt, the potential of entrepreneurship, and the power of compound interest, the better. After all, time truly is … read more

Close up image of an ice cream with some sprinkles

Scooping Up Success: Ice Cream Entrepreneurs

One of the sweetest parts about being a young entrepreneur is the opportunity to turn a childhood passion into a profitable business. Case in point: ice cream. We’ve had the joy of featuring several ice cream entrepreneurs on Biz Kid$. … read more

A stack of japanese dollar bills on a red background.

The Magical Power of Cash Stuffing

Managing money as a teenager is a daunting task. With so many new financial responsibilities and an entire digital world begging you to spend from the palm of your hand, it’s essential to develop healthy money habits early on. One … read more

A person opening his empty pocket

Fleeing the Finfluencer Charade

You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to see that social media has transformed the way we connect, gather information, and seek advice. Among the many voices that dominate our social feeds, financial influencers (a.k.a. “finfluencers”) have emerged as popular … read more