
If you’ve paid off your credit card DON’T cancel your card!  It can actually hurt your credit score.  Ya….who knew??  So how do they calculate your credit score anyway?  Here’s an inside tip:

We are so proud that our profile M3 Girl Designs, who make Snap Caps, secured investment by THREE of the sharks on SharkTank:

No?  Well…..this guy has:    My very own coffin

What’s your craziest impulsive purchase?

Teen defies parents, who banned him from Facebook, by creating his own social media site:

Good news — there’s still time to submit your idea to the ‘Build Your Social Biz’ contest!  The contest has been officially extended to January 31.  Got an idea to build a business and help your community with the proceeds?  Submit your entry on the Biz Kid$ website, and you could win thousands!


Check out Richard Foster, profiled in a past episode of Biz Kid$….he’s about to launch a new co-working space for entrepreneurs in Long Island:

Good luck Richard!


So Biz Kid do you have any financial resolutions for 2013?  If not, let us help you out.  Here are three to consider:

  1. Have $0.00 in consumer debt – if you have any loans or credit cards pay them off
  2. Have an emergency fund – you never know when you might get hit with a car repair or medial emergency
  3. Maximize savings – choose an amount you want to save every month and pay yourself first, before paying your expenses

Write your goals down and check back periodically on your progress.

Share your financial goals on Biz Kid$ Facebook page:

Get 20% off all clothing and products in the Biz Kid$ store:

Place your order now in time for Christmas!

Enter discount code at checkout:  BK blog

The Vault December 2012
Because most of our readers keep up with us on social media (like our Facebook page), Biz Kid$ has decided to stop producing this monthly newsletter.
We’ve had a lot of fun telling readers about how to succeed in money and business–we hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as we have. Now we want to concentrate on making it a two-way conversation!
Never fear–in addition to the aforementionedFacebook page, you can catch up with Biz Kid$ on our website, and you can even watch full episodes of the show on Hulu!
Save 20% in our store!
To say “thank you” to our loyal readers, we are offering a 20% discount on any order from the Biz Kid$ store. Just load up your cart and enter discount code “vault” at checkout. Click here to visit the store.
Biz Kid of the Month
Sam Vrinios always wanted to be an entrepreneur, but he didn’t know his hobby of customizing video game controllers would turn into big business.
Since he started at age 13, he has sold more than 20,000 controllers worth $600,000. With 116,000 YouTube subscribers and 18,000 Twitter followers, Sam is using social media to the max.
What’s next for Sam? He wants to make a million dollars before he’s 16. Looks like he’s well on his way.
Visit the Imagine Customs website to see his creations–and maybe even get your own!
Three easy steps to Biz Kid success
If there’s one thing we hope readers have gotten out of The Vault, it’s that any kid can start a business, make money, and invest that money wisely.
Get It: Whether it’s baking cookies or washing a car, just get out there and start a business. That first simple step will get you thinking–and get you noticed.
Save It: Save, save, save! The sooner you get your money in the bank (or credit union), the more it will grow. As a kid, time is on your side–get compound interest working for you now.
Use It: Money is a resource–use it wisely. Avoid debt and invest your money where it can provide a return, whether that’s using it to grow your business or putting it in an interest-bearing savings account.
Once you get started, tell us how your business is doing at our Facebook page!
Build Your Social Biz and Win!
We’re searching the country for the best social business ideas from kids just like you.
If you want to start or build a biz that will help your community but need funding, now’s your chance.
You could win up to $3000 to put towards your new social biz, and be paired with a mentor from Ernst & Young LLP to kick things off!
The contest is open to new and existing businesses, and the deadline is December 31. Visit the contest website to enter and good luck!
Thank you to all of our subscribers and don’t forget to visit us at!


Taylor swift at the time 100 awards.

With so many examples of celebrities crashing and burning their way into bankruptcy it’s refreshing to see a celebrity use their $$ wisely.  Here’s how Taylor Swift is managing her millions:

The Vault November 2012
Fall Into Fundraising
School is well underway, and that can only mean one thing–it’s fundraiser time! Whether it’s for your school, a club you belong to, or a favorite cause, BizKid$ gives you tips and tricks for keeping the funds flowing.
Video Vault
Think you’ve got it tough coming up with a winning fundraiser? Watch our hapless band of zombies try to come up with ways to raise money from a panicked public. Then, check out a fundraiser and charity event that combines inline hockey with a blood drive for a children’s hospital: “Give Blood, Play Hockey.”
Planning Your Fundraiser in 3 Easy Steps
1. Identify your cause: What are you raising money for? This is important for a couple of reasons. First, it can help you identify your target audience–the people who care about your cause. For a school, it will be fellow students and their parents. For a charity, it might be people who have a special tie to the cause. Second, some organizations have rules about what kinds of fundraisers are allowed. For example, at some schools, bake sales are no longer allowed for health reasons. Talk to someone at the organization to make sure you get all the info you need.
2. Choose an event: Your fundraiser should match your cause if possible. “Give Blood Play Hockey” is a great example. So is St. Baldrick’s, where participants shave their heads to support kids with cancer and get sponsors to support their new ‘dos. Put the “fun” in “fundraiser” and the money will come rolling in. The most important thing is to make sure you don’t spend more than you make. Get as much stuff donated as you can manage.
3. Get organized: You can’t do it all by yourself, so get organized! Gather the group, assign responsibilities, and hold meetings weekly or more often to get your plans in order. Let people use their natural talents–art, organizing, whatever–to contribute to your cause.
Tell Us Your Story!
Did your fundraiser blow the doors off? Did you find a way to get stuff donated or on the cheap? Tell us about it on our Facebook page so all your fellow BizKid$ can learn from your experience. See you there!
Build Your Social Biz and Win!
We’re searching the country for the best social business ideas from kids just like you. If you want to start or build a biz that will help your community but need funding, now’s your chance. You could win up to $3000 to put towards your new social biz, and be paired with a mentor from Ernst & Young LLP to kick things off! The contest is open to new and existing businesses, and the deadline is December 31. Visit the contest website to enter and good luck!

Last week Biz Kid$ attended the Empact Summit in Washington, DC, where many key organizations gathered to discuss how to increase entrepreneurship in America.  Each delegate was hand-picked based on their contribution to the entrepreneurial eco-system. Everyone there concurred — entrepreneurship is THE best way to create jobs, and to improve the economy.  What impressed me the most was the generosity of all the delegates to share connections, make contacts, and to help each other get what we need to take our projects to the next step.  So in the spirit of the conference — if you want to start a business, or need a connection, please contact us and we will do our best to help.  Go start it up!