Teen creates kid-friendly version of Facebook
Teen defies parents, who banned him from Facebook, by creating his own social media site: http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2012/12/28/kid-friendly-social-media-site/1795845/
Teen defies parents, who banned him from Facebook, by creating his own social media site: http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2012/12/28/kid-friendly-social-media-site/1795845/
Good news — there’s still time to submit your idea to the ‘Build Your Social Biz’ contest! The contest has been officially extended to January 31. Got an idea to build a business and help your community with the proceeds? … → read more
Check out Richard Foster, profiled in a past episode of Biz Kid$….he’s about to launch a new co-working space for entrepreneurs in Long Island: http://www.newsday.com/business/mineola-business-incubator-readies-for-feb-launch-1.4437140 Good luck Richard!
So Biz Kid do you have any financial resolutions for 2013? If not, let us help you out. Here are three to consider: Have $0.00 in consumer debt – if you have any loans or credit cards pay them off … → read more
Get 20% off all clothing and products in the Biz Kid$ store: http://store.bizkids.com/ Place your order now in time for Christmas! Enter discount code at checkout: BK blog
With so many examples of celebrities crashing and burning their way into bankruptcy it’s refreshing to see a celebrity use their $$ wisely. Here’s how Taylor Swift is managing her millions: http://www.gobankingrates.com/savings-account/cma-loser-taylor-swift-winner-saving-money/
Last week Biz Kid$ attended the Empact Summit in Washington, DC, where many key organizations gathered to discuss how to increase entrepreneurship in America. Each delegate was hand-picked based on their contribution to the entrepreneurial eco-system. Everyone there concurred — … → read more
‘Build Your Social Biz’ contest, sponsored by Ernst & Young, is launched! Got an idea to build a business and help your community with the proceeds? Enter the latest Biz Kid$ contest, on our website, and you could win thousands! … → read more
June is here, and with it comes the long-awaited summer job! So this week, we thought we would dive into the waters of seasonal employment. So what kind of jobs can you get for a summer, anyway? Lifeguards, nannies, and … → read more
John D. Rockefeller once said, “I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty.” In the world of youth entrepreneurship, the new obligations that come with success can be overwhelming. At Biz Kid$, we … → read more
There is a much-loved term in the world of entrepreneurship called “first mover advantage.” The first mover advantage is the head start that is gained by being the very first person to enter a market or create a product. Steve … → read more
So you want to buy that shiny new iPad? Or a sweet electric guitar? You just can’t stop thinking about going on a dream shopping spree? We hear the same financial advice all the time: separate your wants and your … → read more