Former Biz Kid opens business incubator

Check out Richard Foster, profiled in a past episode of Biz Kid$….he’s about to launch a new co-working space for entrepreneurs in Long Island: Good luck Richard!  

Posted in Business for Kids

How to keep 2013 financial resolutions

So Biz Kid do you have any financial resolutions for 2013?  If not, let us help you out.  Here are three to consider: Have $0.00 in consumer debt – if you have any loans or credit cards pay them off … read more

Posted in Business for Kids

Give the gift of Biz Kid$!

Get 20% off all clothing and products in the Biz Kid$ store: Place your order now in time for Christmas! Enter discount code at checkout:  BK blog

Posted in Business for Kids
Taylor swift at the time 100 awards.

Taylor Swift will NOT be going bankrupt

With so many examples of celebrities crashing and burning their way into bankruptcy it’s refreshing to see a celebrity use their $$ wisely.  Here’s how Taylor Swift is managing her millions:

Posted in Business for Kids

Empact Summit rocked it for entrepreneurship education

Last week Biz Kid$ attended the Empact Summit in Washington, DC, where many key organizations gathered to discuss how to increase entrepreneurship in America.  Each delegate was hand-picked based on their contribution to the entrepreneurial eco-system. Everyone there concurred — … read more

Posted in Business for Kids

‘Build Your Social Biz’ contest launches for social entrepreneurs!

‘Build Your Social Biz’ contest, sponsored by Ernst & Young, is launched!  Got an idea to build a business and help your community with the proceeds?  Enter the latest Biz Kid$ contest, on our website, and you could win thousands! … read more

A woman in a wetsuit is playing with children in a swimming pool.

Summer Jobs

June is here, and with it comes the long-awaited summer job! So this week, we thought we would dive into the waters of seasonal employment. So what kind of jobs can you get for a summer, anyway? Lifeguards, nannies, and … read more

A boy is standing in front of a table full of cans.

Growing Pains

John D. Rockefeller once said, “I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty.” In the world of youth entrepreneurship, the new obligations that come with success can be overwhelming. At Biz Kid$, we … read more

A boy is riding a skateboard in a parking lot.

The Innovative Race to First

There is a much-loved term in the world of entrepreneurship called “first mover advantage.” The first mover advantage is the head start that is gained by being the very first person to enter a market or create a product. Steve … read more

A man standing next to a car with a sign on it.

The allure of the shiny new purchase

So you want to buy that shiny new iPad? Or a sweet electric guitar? You just can’t stop thinking about going on a dream shopping spree? We hear the same financial advice all the time: separate your wants and your … read more

A man standing in front of a group of people.

Your Dream Job is Closer than You Think

We all have dream jobs. Perhaps you want to be an astronaut, or a movie star, or the President of the United States. Chances are, when you dream about the career you wish you had, you think it’s impossible. But … read more

A passport for the piggy club.

Introducing: The Biz Kid$ Piggy Hunt

The Biz Kid$ episodes you know and love will soon be part of a treasure hunt for financial literacy! The Biz Kid$ Piggy Hunt is a collaboration of Biz Kid$ and Horizon Credit Union of Spokane Valley, Washington. Josh Allison … read more