A man with a beard and a little girl in a field.

This Financial Literacy Month, Talk it Out

Every year, those of us in the financial literacy sector wait in anticipation for April to begin. Why? Well, this is the month set aside by the calendar gods for “financial literacy month,” of course! Usually, it’s usually a lighthearted … read more

A lemon on a yellow background.

Making the Most of Days at Home

As the world goes to great lengths to stop the viral spread of the coronavirus, the spread of its impact goes on with gusto. Schools are shuttering, restaurants are removing their tables, and flights are being canceled by the dozen. There’s no … read more

A group of people sitting around a table with laptops.

Never Waste a Good Mistake

“Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to error that counts.” – Nikki Giovanni Hold onto the handrail. Don’t forget your lunch. Double-check the time of your appointment. Wear something more professional. Finish your assignment. Parenting can … read more

An old black and white photo of a man holding a frisbee.

How to Parent a Billionaire

  According to the Forbes list, there are currently 2,754 billionaires in the world. That means that 5,508 parents have literally raised a billionaire. 5,508 parents who’ve changed billionaire diapers, overseen billionaire homework, and spell-checked billionaire college admissions essays. With … read more

Posted in Parent Tips
An aerial view of containers in a container yard.

Talking to Your Kids About (Trade) War

There’s a new kind of war being talked about today. Its name? “Trade war.” No, this isn’t a war of weapons. It’s a war of money. Big money. At the center of the fight is the difference between the total … read more

A light bulb next to a dollar bill.

5 Things We Learned During Financial Literacy Month

America is a C-student when it comes to money. Inside Sources reported that our country’s lack of financial literacy is to blame, with most schools providing kids with exactly zero education about money. “Only 27 percent of young adults know basic … read more

A painting of an uncle pointing his finger.

Peeking at Uncle Sam’s Receipts

Taxes are a funny thing. For many of us, they’re the single biggest line item in our budget. And yet, most of us couldn’t tell you what they’re paying for. Correction: what we’re paying for. It’s just money we supposedly … read more

Posted in Money Facts, Parent Tips
A person's hands holding a pile of colorful sprinkles.

Making Playtime Profitable

“Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” It may be an old adage, but it’s a profound notion. A child’s playtime is more than a break from homework and chores. It’s an opportunity to … read more

A christmas tree with the words'kids holiday gift guide'.

Biz Kid$ 2018 Holiday Gift Guide

Shopping for the young entrepreneur in your life? We’re here to help. We’ve assembled a number of our favorite gifts for the Biz Kids in your life. Some are products made by young entrepreneurs, and others are gifts perfect for giving to young entrepreneurs. Either … read more

A woman holding a baby in her arms.

Raising Money-Confident Girls

Someday in the future, income inequality will be a figment of the past. Someday, a woman’s confidence in investing won’t trail a man’s in poll after poll. And someday, financial advice won’t have to be given separately to boys and … read more

A man sitting at a desk talking on the phone.

Finding a Cure for Gadget Fever

The following is a special post from our parent blog, The Money Talk. Consider this a sneak peek, then bookmark www.bkmoneytalk.com to read all of the parent-minded posts moving forward! This week, another hotly anticipated announcement from a highly coveted … read more

A group of people shopping in a grocery store.

Understanding Mommy’s Credit Card

The following is a special post from our brand new parent blog, The Money Talk. Consider this a sneak peek, then bookmark www.bkmoneytalk.com to read all of the parent-minded posts moving forward! Assumptions are a tricky thing. After all, much … read more

Posted in Parent Tips