Catching Up With Austin, Part 2

This is part two of a two-part series from Biz Kid$ host Austin Siedentopf. Read part one here. The second big difference between adults and kids is in how you have to handle being mature. When you are a mature … read more

Posted in Business for Kids
A young man in a gray shirt is looking at a green background.

Catching Up With Biz Kid Host Austin!

Hey Biz Kid$! This is Austin. It’s been a while since I’ve acted on the show, and a lot has happened in the last couple years. I’ve grown up! I’m 21 years old! I’ve graduated from high school, moved out … read more

Posted in Business for Kids

Teens raise $6.2 million for their new car-sharing business

These three teens haven’t been driving for very long, but they’ve managed to launch and grow one of the hottest start-ups around:

Posted in Business for Kids

Camp Start-up

Ready to unleash your entrepreneurial spirit? Check out this really cool start-up camp for teens 14-18, offered by Independent Means and Kiva: Might be too late to join now but keep it in mind for next year!

Posted in Business for Kids

Biz Kid$ wins 2nd Daytime Emmy!!

Biz Kid$ is proud to announce another Daytime Emmy win for the category of Single Camera Editing.  Thank you to our editors Alex and Jim, and to the amazing staff and crew who worked on the award-winning episode!  Biz Kid$ … read more

Posted in Business for Kids

Vote for your favorite social entrepreneur!

The finalists for the Ernst & Young ‘Build Your Social Business’ contest have been chosen. Now’s your chance to vote for your favorite social entrepreneur.  Check out everyone’s pitch video:

Posted in Business for Kids

Get your lemonade stand on!

Since we are getting very close to lemonade stand season, why not kick things off with a bang?!  Here’s 10 tips to make the best lemonade stand ever, from Huffington Post. And don’t forget about your marketing mix, with this Biz … read more

Young entrepreneurs make millions from celebs

Ever heard of Zinepak?  Two young entrepreneurs started a custom entertainment magazine for musicians and celebrities.  Grown on the back of Bieber fever, these young gals are now raking in almost $4 million.  Not bad considering they started with just … read more

Posted in Business for Kids

One more Daytime Emmy nom (delayed)

We just heard that Biz Kid$ total Daytime Emmy nods got bumped up to three total (due to a late announcement on sound mixing).  We are really proud to be heading to the ceremony on June 14, 2013 with three … read more

Posted in Business for Kids

Biz Kid$ nominated for two more Daytime Emmy’s

Biz Kid$ is honored to be nominated for two Daytime Emmy’s, in single camera editing and sound editing.  This brings the total nominations to 12.  The event is held in Los Angeles, CA on June 14th — fingers crossed!

Posted in Business for Kids

Cool resources for young entrepreneurs

Starting a business?  Check out this awesome, all-things-startup website: Parent of a budding tycoon? (Can never start too young  you know.) Plant the startup seed early with this book for ‘kidpreneurs’ 6-12 years old and you never know what … read more

Posted in Business for Kids, Young Entrepreneurs

Biz Kid$ wins Parent Choice Gold Award!

Biz Kid$ is really honored to receive the Parent’s Choice Gold Award for Television. The Parents’ Choice Gold Awards are given to those books, toys, games, videos, software, magazines, audio recordings, and television programs that are judged as the highest quality, most … read more

Posted in Business for Kids