Needs Vs. Wants
There are a lot of things you can spend money on, but do you really need it or just want it? Sorting all that stuff will help you figure out where your money is going and where you can save. … → read more
There are a lot of things you can spend money on, but do you really need it or just want it? Sorting all that stuff will help you figure out where your money is going and where you can save. … → read more
Follow me on a day on the set of Biz Kid$! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0xYOyOPjCE&feature=channel_page
0Have you ever wondered how much money you’d seriously make as a DJ or Zookeeper? Check out this site: http://www.kids.gov/6_8/6_8_careers.shtml They tell you about a heck of a lot of jobs, how to get them and how much money you … → read more
Calling all Biz Kid$……we want to see VIDEOS of you running your business or social community project. Maybe you’ll end up in the show, on the website, or in our monthly newsletter. Send your videos (no longer than 3 minutes) … → read more
We were inspired by the stories of these Poughkeepsie teens who put their natural entrepreneurial talents to work helping others in the community. Read about them at: http://www.poughkeepsiejournal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070916/NEWS07/709160321/1011
Follow Intern Andy as he gives you a tour and explanation of BK’s lighting requirements: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5Uy47tLONU&feature=channel_page
Before Biz Kid$, I used to blow my $$ on whatever I wanted, a new pair of jeans, a purse, movies, gas for my car. But now I think twice about everything I spend my $$ on. I never realized … → read more
Go behind-the-scenes on a Biz Kid$ set with intern Amy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89CROcDhXlk&feature=channel_page
Last month I was at the Growing Up CEO conference in Boston, where inner-city young entrepreneurs from across the country came together to network, get mentored on their start-ups, and to learn a few tricks from the experts. What an … → read more
Check out this inspirational video about well-known brands launched by college-age entrepreneurs. From Apple founder Steve Jobs, to Kevin Plank, the maker of Under Armor, the business people presented in this short music video reminded us that there’s no minimum … → read more
NFIB and Visa USA named 18 year-old Henry Schwartz as 2007 Young Entrepreneur of the Year. Read more about Henry and the skate shop that he owns in Menomonie, WI, at: http://www.nfib.com/object/IO_33757.html
We love Rags to Riches, an online game that lets players tour the country as struggling musicians, trying to earn $5,000 before their tour is up. Players figure out the optimal cost for their concert tickets, write new songs to … → read more