Social Influence Reveals a Silver Lining

Ten years ago, if you’d told someone that you sought financial advice from a TikTok star, their puzzled response would have been something along the lines of, “What do one-calorie breath mints have to do with saving and investing?!” My, … read more

A small three leaves flower

A St. Paddy’s Day Celebration of Green Entrepreneurs

What does a “green business” mean to you? On any other day, it may be a sustainable one. But today is St. Patrick’s Day. And on St. Patrick’s Day, green rules. So today, we deliver a round up of our … read more

Posted in entrepreneurship
Lots of candy hanging

How Kids Make Money with Candy

For most of us, the question is not if you ever wanted to make or sell candy for a living, but when. Perhaps it was the first time you saw Willy Wonka step onto his magical factory, or the Saturday afternoon your grandma gave … read more

The Ultimate Biz Kid$ Resource Roundup

Every now and then, it’s a good idea to get back to basics. As an Emmy-winning financial literacy series on public television, we spend our time thinking about how to teach kids about entrepreneurship, saving and investing, financial basics, credit … read more

Stock market graph in mobile

GameStop’s Wild and Wacky Stock Market Ride

It’s a question we’ve asked – and answered for years: What’s up with the stock market? But last week, when GameStop went from the back of America’s minds to the top of their lips, the question gained new significance. Even finance pros … read more

Posted in saving-investing
Publics are on super mall

Teaching Kids the Truth about Credit

Almost every credit card approval letter begins the same way: “Congratulations!” From the misleading greeting, you’d think the $5,000, $10,000, or $20,000 credit limit just approved was nothing but a gift. Instead, the greeting should read: “Warning!” After all, a … read more

A boy wearing sunglasses and holding a cell phone.

The Priceless (and Perilous) Smartphone

7 hours and 22 minutes. That’s the average amount of time the modern teen spends on their phones – not including schoolwork.   The devices we couldn’t imagine until Steve Jobs revealed them to us 2007 are today considered downright essential. Even before COVID-19 turned our phones … read more

Posted in financial-basics, Parent Tips
A scholar is looking at the TV

As College Went Virtual, Students Went Packing

A few years ago, Harvard and Stanford took the extraordinary step of putting classroom-recorded courses on their websites for free. The move was downright gutsy. After all, access to the schools’ professors and insights were considered elite; their $50K+ tuitions, worthwhile.  … read more

Posted in adulting, Careers, credit-debt
Man looking at light shine

Young entrepreneurs, this is your time to shine.

It’s official, Biz Kid: the playing field has been leveled. For all of last year’s despair and destruction, it delivered some unexpected advantages for aspiring teen tycoons. Some of the biggest hurdles faced by young entrepreneurs have suddenly been demolished. … read more

Room decoration with 2021 baloon

2021 Resolutions, Family-Style

In some ways, January 1st will be just another day. It’s another collection of 24 hours, each a set of 60 minutes, each comprised of 60 seconds. And yet there’s something about the dawn of a new year that gives … read more

Hands full of painting color

The 9 Qualities Every Young Entrepreneur Must Have

Grit. There’s a reason the vast majority of Americans prefer the stability of a paycheck over the life of an entrepreneur. It takes bravery, persistence, and determination to face a world of rejection and risk. There’s a word for such … read more

Kids looking at ipad

2020’s Smartest Gift: A Course in Millionairedom

With the holiday season in full swing, parents and grandparents are scrambling to find gifts that will live on long after the wrapping paper has been recycled. For our top pick this year, we start with a problem in need … read more