A screen shot of a google search page.

Why You’re Lucky to be a Millennial

If I had a nickel for every article, blog post, or news segment I’ve seen about my generation this year, I think I would get close to the GDP of China. “What drives Millennials” “15 Traits of Millennials” “Why Millennials … read more

A red bookcase in a bedroom with books on it.

The 577 Year-Old Technology That Will Change Your Life

Today, it seems that a new technology is born every minute. Social networks are already yesterday’s news, and technological capabilities now often precede need. But there is still an area of technology that changes lives and cultures when it is used. … read more

Posted in Young Entrepreneurs
A crowd of people in a shopping mall.

Money Personalities & Holiday Shopping

This morning, one day after Halloween was over, I got an email from my sister. The email was sent to our entire family, establishing a plan for sharing gift ideas for Christmas. Two weeks before that, my little brother also … read more

Posted in Business for Kids
A man holding up a stack of money.

Personal Finance Workshops for Teens

We have breaking financial literacy news! Our friends at DoSomething.org have partnered with H&R Block’s “Dollars and Sense” program to create three personal finance workshops for teens. The workshops, taught by teens, will equip aspiring Biz Kids with the tools they need to … read more

Posted in Business for Kids
Bring home the bacon - screenshot thumbnail.

A Sneak Peek at Our New Game!

Hey Biz Kids! Do you smell what I smell? Is that…bacon? Well you didn’t hear it from me, but there’s a brand new Biz Kid$ game in the works! I’ll tell you more as the debut gets closer, but for … read more

Posted in Biz Kid$ News, Business for Kids
A pink piggy bank on a white background.

Budgeting: It Can Get Emotional

What a week. If you’re an especially astute teen, you are probably aware that there is a battle happening in Washington over the Federal budget. If you are like most Americans, you are probably confused about what exactly that means, … read more

Posted in Business for Kids
A brown paper bag next to an apple.

Brown-Bagging like a Billionaire

I recently came across a survey put out by Visa, studying the amount of money Americans spend on eating lunch out. Many of the results weren’t too surprising to me, as I am certainly guilty when it comes to eating … read more

Posted in Business for Kids
A black and white photo of a man smiling.

Overcoming Failure & Criticism

I love reading about the lives of successful entrepreneurs. Not just the 20-something-year-old app developers of today, but the iron-melting, tower-developing tycoons of yesteryear as well. I’ve read about enough businesspeople that I’ve begun to notice a pattern. A common … read more

Posted in Business for Kids

Catching Up With Austin, Part 2

This is part two of a two-part series from Biz Kid$ host Austin Siedentopf. Read part one here. The second big difference between adults and kids is in how you have to handle being mature. When you are a mature … read more

Posted in Business for Kids
A young man in a gray shirt is looking at a green background.

Catching Up With Biz Kid Host Austin!

Hey Biz Kid$! This is Austin. It’s been a while since I’ve acted on the show, and a lot has happened in the last couple years. I’ve grown up! I’m 21 years old! I’ve graduated from high school, moved out … read more

Posted in Business for Kids

Teens raise $6.2 million for their new car-sharing business

These three teens haven’t been driving for very long, but they’ve managed to launch and grow one of the hottest start-ups around: http://www.youngentrepreneur.com/startingup/start-ups/how-this-car-sharing-company-is-growing-up-fast/

Posted in Business for Kids

Camp Start-up

Ready to unleash your entrepreneurial spirit? Check out this really cool start-up camp for teens 14-18, offered by Independent Means and Kiva: http://www.independentmeans.com/camp-start-up/ Might be too late to join now but keep it in mind for next year!

Posted in Business for Kids