Biz Kid$ is a scream!
At the tender age of 9 Leanna started Leanna's Inc, a hair and body care products company. Last October she became the youngest entrepreneur to ring the opening bell for NASDAQ. http://www.leannashair.com/index.html
If you are ready for a less material Christmas check out this article: http://www.canada.com/holiday-guide/story.html
In 2006 the average amount spent by consumers on Christmas gifts was $910. In 2007 it was 5% less. What do you think it will be this year?
‘Blue Screen’ is a common name for a special effects technique. By filming a subject in front of a large blue screen, the editor can later replace the blue screen with any kind of background, to make it appear as … → read more
Today is election day for the next president of the United States. After months and months of campaigning it is finally over. So what do you think is the pricetag? Click below to find out: http://uspolitics.about.com/b/2008/10/24/2008-election-price-tag-53-billion.htm
Here’s an article on Dylan Kuehl, an artist that was featured in a recent episode of Biz Kid$. Dylan will be travelling to Italy to pefect his craft. Donations are being accepted to defray the cost of travel. http://www.theolympian.com/southsound/story/598384.html Check … → read more
What’s it like being Miriam on Biz Kid$? Click below to find out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjajAcqSPq4&feature=channel_page
So you want that new $2,000 computer and can’t afford it, so you put it on a credit card. What’s the true cost of that computer if you only make the minimum payment to pay it off? (HINT: Double the … → read more
Wanna see some stuff not on the show? Check out our YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/BizKidsTV
I just found this cool site by a kid. Not all of the links work – she mostly sells stuff by linking to Amazon.com, and she doesn’t run the biz alone, but its worth checking out: http://www.kidsroar.biz/kids_roar_home.html If you are … → read more