Just received a new gadget? Fill it with profitable fun.

Just received a new gadget? Fill it with profitable fun.



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two mobile phones and two tablets

Word from the North Pole is that this was a big year for screens of all varieties — new smartphones, TVs, and computers had Santa’s sleigh quite loaded down last week. Our take? Nothing could be better — if you use your tools strategically.

At Biz Kid$, entrepreneurship runs through our veins. As an Emmy-winning financial literacy series on public television, we spend every month thinking about how to teach kids about entrepreneurship, saving and investing, financial basics, credit and debt, and more.

So if a new gizmo has you itching for profitable content, you might be thinking about something else: so where do I find all that Biz Kid$ has to offer?

You’ve come to the right place for the answer, Biz Kid.

Without further ado, we present a roundup of our all of our content in one convenient place. Away we go!

Emmy Award-Winning Video Content

No matter what your age, you likely know that video rules. Fun and engaging video, even better. And Emmy Award-winning video? Now that’s what we’re talking about. We’re a public television series that’s been on the air for six seasons. You can find our video content for FREE in the following places:


Search for individual clips or view our collection of curated playlists on topics like “How Teens Can Get a Job” and “Biz Kid$ Basics.”


Our site has clips organized by episode, topic, and even state and national standards for you educators out there.

On Public Television

Unwrapped a shiny new TV? Biz Kid$ airs on public television stations across the country. To find out when we air in your local market, click here.

Stream on Vimeo

Episodes from Season 6, as well as specially curated bundles of content featuring the “Best of Biz Kid$” are available to stream or download from Vimeo today. Downloads start at just $2.99.

Online Games

Sometimes, kids just need to play. Our free games make playtime (secretly) educational. Our Dollar-A-Glass lemonade stand game gives students a dose of summertime entrepreneurship anytime of year. Bring Home the Bacon takes financial literacy to outer space. And Break the Bank teaches the ins and outs of banking.

Young Entrepreneur Resources

Did Santa bring you a new briefcase? You’re our type. We also have tons of resources specifically geared toward young entrepreneurs, like our Business Plan GuideMarketing Guide, and Profit Calculation Worksheet. Once again, they’re all free.

Online Course for Teens

Our online course is a self-guided journey through making, growing, and saving. It includes hilarious sketch comedy, inspiring profiles of real young entrepreneurs, and educational content you can take to the bank.

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