Young entrepreneur? Tell us your story!

Young entrepreneur? Tell us your story!


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minutes read

A young man in a bow tie is posing for a picture.

Over the last decade, we’ve met a lot of impressive young entrepreneurs. Sisters who turn bottle caps into magnets and jewelry, brothers who repurpose discarded sails from boats into sails for skateboarding, and tweens who take notice of a need in the candy market and profit from it, big time.


But there’s one young entrepreneur we’ve yet to meet: YOU!

April is financial literacy month, and we can think of no better way to celebrate than by shining a light on your entrepreneurial achievements.

Do you design clothing, detail cars, or sell baked goods? Whatever your business, we want to hear about it. We’re aren’t currently in production, but that won’t stop us from sharing the word about your business on social media.

Send us a Facebook message, reach out to us on Twitter, or email us and tell us what you’re up to. Who knows: you just might get a shout out on our social channels. We can’t wait to hear what you’ve been working on.

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