Two Sisters Turn Love for Nature into Educational Game

Two Sisters Turn Love for Nature into Educational Game



minutes read

Two girls are holding parrots in their hands.

9- and 13-year olds Athia and Maia Strohm turned their passion for the outdoors into a business, creating an educational card game company called Two Sisters in the Wild. Today’s guest post features a Q&A between the girls and their father, Jason Strohm.


Q: Why do you like to be out in the wild?

A: It is fun, we get to explore, and see squirrels. We get to pretend we’re stuck in the wild and need to survive or we just build things. We build things like forts, things made of sticks like fishing poles and hotdog sticks, or water wheels. We also love to hike, camp, and build fires. We do things like jumping on the trampoline, playing tag, and making up new handshakes. Yes, we love going outside.

Q: Why would I buy your game?

A: It’s like a regular card game, but a little different than usual ones. It is like an environmental twist on Pokémon or Magic but with all the fun of a normal card game. Plus it was created by kids.

Q: What is the game about?

A: The game is about environments and food chains. You learn about animals, plants, where they live, and what they need to survive. It is a fun learning experience for all ages. In the game your goal is to complete ten levels of an ecosystem.

Q: What do I need to play it?

A: The main thing you will need to play this game is a curiosity about nature. Everything in the game is based on what is already happening in the fields and woods outside.

Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?

A: Athia: I want to be a hairstylist, Artist, or any type of person who looks after kids minus the doctor.

Maia: I want to be either a great artist or a gymnastics coach

Q: How did you get your pictures?

A: We first got our pictures off of Google Images. These pictures were for the prototype. Once we saw that the game might be a success we started taking pictures of the plants and animals ourselves. We visited a lot of places like zoos, aquariums, and botanical gardens to take our many, many pictures. In fact we even went on a long trip down to Florida and got many pictures for our next game. Many of the pictures we took for the first three games came from on our property. For the original game the game was ready before the pictures were so a nice man named Randy Quinn gave us many of our pictures. The picture taking process is still happening and I think it will go with us till the end.

Q: What’s next for Two Sisters in the Wild, LLC.?

A: We got a grant for $7,500 to make an app and buy some equipment. The app is online at google play and Amazon Kindle. The apple store version should be up soon too. We plan to make a game for South East North America next. Then make one for North West and another for South West. We are working on a new surprise game too! I think you will be excited.

For more information about Two Sisters in the Wild, check out their Facebook page or website.


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