Across the country, school bells have begun to ring. Locker dials are spinning, teachers’ lounges are buzzing, and new backpacks are emitting that unmistakable new year aroma. School is back in session. As the 2019-2020 school year unfolds, so does the opportunity to teach students a subject matter too often ignored by our school systems: money.
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Financial literacy doesn’t have to be boring, nor does it have to venture off the path of state and national mapping (we’ve actually done that legwork for you). Because money is so integral to our daily lives, teaching it can take many, many forms. Math? You bet. Art? Absolutely. Science? That, too.
This year, we’re firing on all cylinders to empower educators as they shape the financial futures of students across the country. Here are a few of the free tools at your fingertips today:
Emmy-Winning Video Content
Few things have the power to communicate like video. Over six award-winning seasons, Biz Kid$ told the stories of real young entrepreneurs, shot parody music videos, filmed sketch comedy, and addressed confusing money topics head-on. Some of the best clips from the public television series is available for free on YouTube and at BizKids.com. Those looking for full episodes can head over to Vimeo, where Season 6 is available for $2.99 per episode or $15.99 for the entire season.
Lesson Plans
It’s one thing to decide to tackle topics of financial literacy. It’s quite another to know where to start. Our dozens of free lesson plans empower educators with questions, vocabulary, discussion topics, and even family activities that build upon Biz Kid$ video clips with robust lessons to drive the topics home. We’ve even mapped the plans according to state and national standards, and translated a set into Spanish.
Money Games
Scrambling to prepare something for tomorrow’s sub? Experiencing the short attention spans of students before the final days before a much-anticipated break? Our free games run the gamut of money topics. Run a simulated lemonade stand in Dollar-a-Glass. Learn about banking in Break the Bank. Manage money in outer space with Bring Home the Bacon. They’re all free, fun, and financially fit.
Young Entrepreneur Toolkit
The only thing more inspiring to kids that careful stewardship of money? Making it. Our collection of resources for young entrepreneurs empowers teen tycoons with simple tools to put their best ideas into action. Our business plan template provides a simple and straightforward framework for thinking through marketing, sales, and profit. How 2 B a Pro tackles the “soft skills” of interviewing and selling, like proper attire, handshakes, and eye contact. And the 4 P’s of Marketing takes a deep dive into product, place, price, and promotion.
How to Turn $100 into $1,000,000 Book
Wish there was a textbook on becoming a millionaire? There actually is. Our vibrant and engaging book from Workman Press, How to Turn $100 into $1,000,000, teaches kids how to make, save, and grow their own fortune. It’s the perfect solution for a financial literacy textbook, or even an addition to the afterschool reading list. Plus, it’s less than $10 on Amazon.

Want to see Biz Kid$ in action? Take a look at how teachers like you have used Biz Kid$ in their own classrooms.