How to Get a Job…In the Future

How to Get a Job…In the Future



minutes read

A pair of wooden clogs sitting in the snow.

If today’s “gig economy” seems like a new chapter in American work, it sure is. And at the same time, it’s nothing new. The American job market has had drastic changes over its 241-year life. In fact, the word sabotage (to undermine) is tied to one such change, back during the industrial revolution. Factory workers were so upset at the idea of machines replacing their jobs that they threw their wooden shoes, called sabots, into the gears to kill the machines.

MSN Money came out with an article this week entitled, “17 jobs that are quickly disappearing in the US.” The surprising part? Our surprise. Many of these jobs that the MSN team projected to decline over the next decade include some high tech ones, too. Here are a few:

  • Postmasters
  • Electrical Equipment Assemblers
  • Data Entry Keyers
  • Mine Shuttle Car Operators
  • Telephone Operators
  • Computer Operators
  • Metal Pourers
  • Mold Makers
  • Watch Repairers
  • Typists
  • Parking Enforcement Workers
  • Locomotive Firers

At the other end of the argument is the host of Dirty Jobs who is on a mission to spread the word about trade skills. He’s identified ten blue collar jobs with high salaries. We were so impressed with his findings that we had Mike Rowe himself on our latest season of Biz Kid$! Take a look at some of these, and guess how much they earn per year.

  • Bricklayer
  • Dental Hygienist
  • Firefighter
  • Medical Lab Tech
  • Personal Trainer

So what do you think, Biz Kid? What will the hottest jobs of the future be? What are you planning to do for a living?

For more inspiration on finding a job, check out our YouTube playlist, “It’s a Job to Get a Job.”

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