Did you Know? Ten Outstanding Biz Kid$ Resources

Did you Know? Ten Outstanding Biz Kid$ Resources


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Did you know that you should save more than you spend? Probably.

Did you know that the money you save by not buying that expensive mocha could add up to quite the nest egg when you’re older? Ya, you probably knew that, too.

Well did you know that Biz Kid$ is way more than just Emmy-winning television series? Did you know that we have ten different resources for everyone from teachers to parents to teens? Ha. Got ya. Well then let us share the exciting news with you!

We’ve put together a video series to give you the lowdown on our engaging, educational resources. Check them out!

BK in the Classroom:

Family Activities:


Teachers Forum:

Life on the Edge:

Community Toolkit:

Business Plans:

Piggy Bank Hunt:

Spanish Lesson Plans:



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