A New Adventure in Financial Literacy!

A New Adventure in Financial Literacy!



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The official seal of the pig.

Biz Kid$ has just launched an exciting new activity for classrooms and local credit unions across the country: the Biz Kid$ Piggy Hunt! Students watch Biz Kid$ video clips, then answer questions about the episode. Once the students have successfully answered the questions, they are given a clue to search for a stamp hidden somewhere in the school. The last clue will reveal the location of the Biz Pig Piggy Bank! The first student to complete their worksheets and find the Biz Pig could win cash or prizes from a local participating credit union!

The Piggy Hunt is a creation of Josh Allison of Horizon Credit Union in Spokane Valley, Washington, and has already become a student and teacher favorite at local schools in Spokane Valley.

Hamlin Middle School partnered with Matt Trent of Northwest Credit Union for their Biz Kid$ Piggy Hunt. David Collins, Principal of Hamlin Middle School, praised the local Credit Union partnership: “The support from Matt was amazing and made implementation at the school level very easy. Students were engaged and interested and eager to work towards the prize. The community support was amazing!”

Gordon Grassi, Principal of North Pines Middle School, was the first Principal to bring the hunt to their school: “We just completed our second Piggy Hunt at North Pines Middle School.  It was just as successful as the first hunt.  Our students have responded in a positive way, the excitement is clearly visible in our classrooms and hallways. The hunt was a wonderful way to help students build financial awareness while engaged in a fun activity.” Grassi also highlighted the Credit Union partnership as being instrumental to the success of the program: “Our partnership with Horizon has blossomed and is extremely successful. The hunt is one way schools and business can reach out in the best interest of the students and their community.  Our students love the concept of the hunt, staff get a chance to help be a gateway to student success and learning, and everyone enjoys the process.”

The Biz Kid$ Piggy Hunt presents an opportunity for credit unions to partner with local schools to bring financial literacy into classrooms in an impacting way. Matt Trent of Northwest Credit Union remembers the final round fondly: “When the winner found the piggy bank, the other searchers applauded him! It was such a great moment, and that positive energy extended through the all class assembly that honored the winner. He also donated money to a local charity that feeds the hungry and talked about how that charity has fed his family through the years. It was very touching.”

Would you like to launch a Piggy Hunt at your local school? The resources are FREE and can be downloaded here. Be sure to keep us posted on our Facebook page on the success of your adventures in financial literacy!

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