6 Ways to Use Those 6 Extra Weeks of Winter

6 Ways to Use Those 6 Extra Weeks of Winter



minutes read

A groundhog is being held by a man in a suit.

Today, it happened. Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and six more weeks of winter were predicted. Groans could be heard around the world. But wait just a minute. You’re a Biz Kid! Sure, springtime brings lemonade stands and sunshine, but few times are better for getting to work than when rainy days keep us all inside. Here are six ways to use those extra six weeks of winter to your benefit:

1. Write a Business Plan

That idea that’s been circulating in your head deserves some attention. Get it on paper and start making some traction today. Our free business plan guide will walk you through everything you need to know.

2. Grow Your Savings

Have some money jingling around in that piggy bank? Make it grow! Our book and corresponding episode, How to Turn $100 into $1,000,000, will show you the ropes.

3. Apply for a Job

Getting a job takes time. Searching, applying, and following up is a process made easier before sunny days offer other alternatives. Check out our YouTube playlist, How Teens Can Get a Job.

4. Spruce Up Your Bookkeeping

Accounting may not be the most exciting part of being a young entrepreneur, but it is among the most important. Watch our episode on the subject and get your books in line!

5. Go Green

Already run a business? Spend some time improving its environmental impact. These inspiring Biz Kids will show just what’s possible when you put your mind to the matter.

6. Think Outside the Box!

Sometimes, our most creative ideas come when we’re least distracted. Our episode, Escape the Box, gives practical tips on creative thinking and visits with some truly innovative young entrepreneurs.

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