4 Ways to Make Money on Social Media

4 Ways to Make Money on Social Media



minutes read

A girl with money on her head.

Many teens’ lists of ambitions share a common goal: gaining fame on social media. While the appeal of making money from being, well…liked…is obvious, the reality can be much more complex (and potentially disappointing.) But that doesn’t mean there isn’t money to be made on social media. Your first step? Thinking outside the like-lined box.

#1 Become an Influencer

Studies report that 54% of young people would jump at the chance to become an “influencer” if given the chance. Yet for such a widely shared goal, the reality of phone-based fame is less appealing than many may think. The majority of all “influencers” make less than $10,000 per year, and only 1.4% of those who identify as successful influencers become millionaires. Talk about a narrow road to riches! The bottom line? Fame and fortune aren’t as joined as the hip as you might think.

#2 Promote your Business

Perhaps a better use of social media is as a marketing engine. Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram are fabulous places to promote your invention or service business. Share pictures of your artwork, post testimonials of your lawn service, and connect with potential customers and investors – all without leaving the comfort of your own easy chair.

#3 Learn about Saving & Investing

Looking for an out-of-the-box angle to financial freedom on social media? Consider its value as a teaching tool. By following finance expert and inspiring entrepreneurs, you can sharpen your skills as an investor, saver, and maker. Remember: we become the product of those we spend the most time around (virtually or physically).

#4 Enter our contest!

Looking for something even snappier? We just so happen to be hosting a month-long contest in which you could turn a single social post into $500 in cold hard cash! Just follow Biz Kid$ on TikTok and choose one of four video clips to turn into a viral video. The entrant with the most likes by July 10 will win $500! Full details can be found here.

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