With the holiday season in full swing, parents and grandparents are scrambling to find gifts that will live on long after the wrapping paper has been recycled. For our top pick this year, we start with a problem in need of a creative solution. First up? The problem. The big, grinch-style problem.
When T. Rowe Price released the results of its annual Kids & Money survey, one question stuck out like a sore thumb: “Which of the following types of financial education did you receive when you were younger?”. 41% responded with a mind-numbing answer: “none of the above.”

At Biz Kid$, we’ve committed ourselves to filling this glaring void in our educational system. Over the last ten-plus years, we’ve created an Emmy-Award winning television series, dozens of free lesson plans mapped to state and national standards, a library of tools for young entrepreneurs, and a best-selling money book for kids.
The problem identified by T. Rowe Price is exactly why we invested so heavily in the latest addition to the Biz Kid$ vault of resources. It’s an interactive course that incorporates our most engaging (and yes, hilarious) video content with a load of new material, vibrant graphics, and inspiring activities.

Based off of and named after our best-selling book, “How to Turn $100 into $1,000,000,” from Workman Press, the course teaches teens how to make, manage, and grow their money. Our self-guided format allows each teen to work their way through the materials at their own pace.
Access to the basic version of the course costs $29, while a premium version packed with additional interactive materials is $49. Plus, it makes a fabulous gift for the future tycoon in your life. Preview the course today at bizkids.teachable.com.
So what’s the true impact of making, saving, and growing money? Well for one thing, perhaps the next generation’s financial literacy surveys will have starkly different results.
We think of it as the closest thing to a class in Millionairedom, and we think it makes the perfect holiday gift for the year none of us will soon forget.

christmas gifts, 2020, gifts for young entrepreneurs, financial literacy