As Summer Slips Away, Get Time on Your Side

As Summer Slips Away, Get Time on Your Side



minutes read

A red light is shining on a clock.
Summer is almost complete. Now how about those summertime goals, Biz Kid?

Chances are, your list of summertime vacation ambitions still leaves many items unchecked. Don’t fret. And definitely don’t throw in the towel. Instead, prioritize.

As the days for poolside Fun Dips come to a close, time is also running out to make a dent in your entrepreneurial or financial to-dos.

Our advice? Run at checking off those items that will benefit from your upcoming busyness – a.k.a. the passage of time.

In other words, if you do nothing else until Christmas break, take actions that will reward you for that lapse of time, rather than give you FOMO. Here’s what we’re talking about:

1.     Get your money working for you.

There are three words we say more than anything else: time is money. Having money sitting idle without making interest is the same as throwing money out the window – especially now. This is an incredibletime for risk-free returns. Reputable (and FDIC-insured) banks are offering as much as 4% in high-yield savings accounts. If you spent the summer earning a paycheck, you can continue to make money without continuing to work. It’s called interest!

These astronauts know what’s up:

2.     Put your entrepreneurial ideas and decisions in writing.

It’s easy to forget everything that you settled on during the last few months. Perhaps you came up with a name for your business, or decided who you’d hire on as you built out your team. Perhaps an uncle gave you an idea for a way to build a quick prototype or MVP. Don’t assume you’ll remember each of those when you have time to pick up your entrepreneurial endeavor again, or think that you haven’t accomplished anything just because you haven’t launched your business just yet. Write it all down in a notebook or Google doc. That way, when the next break comes, you’ll be able to pick up where you stopped.

3.     File paperwork

When you’re in a hurry to start a business or open an account, few things are as frustrating as red tape. Applying for a business permit can take weeks or months. Clearing a patent application takes years. Ditto for filing a trademark application. Let the next few months of busyness work in your favor. Run at completing paperwork, then focus on your schoolwork until you get a response. The worst thing you can do is to wait to file paperwork until you need approval, funding, or next steps.

The bottom line, Biz Kid? If you take a few simple actions while you still have flexibility, time could be on your side. Make it so.

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