Season 6 Taping Extravaganza Highlights (& Invite!)

Season 6 Taping Extravaganza Highlights (& Invite!)



minutes read

A group of people posing for a selfie in front of a green screen.

And we’re off to the races! We just filmed the first two episodes of Biz Kid$ in Seattle’s beautiful Fremont neighborhood, joined by a fabulous audience of kids, teens, and families. A few sneak peeks are below, but you don’t have to live vicariously through this post! You can join us next week when we tape the remaining four episodes. For FREE tickets, send a request to audience@bizkids.com today. There will be FREE food and even prizes! Now, here’s a taste of what’s in store:

A little practice before letting the audience in.

Screen Shot 2017-03-10 at 3.35.29 PMYes, we even have a DJ on hand for your listening pleasure.

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It’s not everyday you see a million (prop) dollars being loaded into a room!

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Now that is a front row seat to Emmy-winning television.

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Oh, and did you know our hosts can get down?

And before was all over, one epic audience selfie was taken.


We’ll be posting more behind-the-scenes footage from the show in the coming days, but in the mean time, make plans to join us in person! Share this poster with your friends:


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