That Fickle, Fickle Stock Market

That Fickle, Fickle Stock Market


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minutes read

Statue beside a road


If you had been in a coma for seven years and turned on the news last week, you probably thought no time had passed at all. The stock market was falling hundreds of points, and images of traders, heads in their hands, were leading the evening news. Why? Haven’t we recovered? Isn’t confidence in the markets improving? What causes such sudden panic?

Let’s face it: the stock market is a confusing place. If you’re a Biz Kid, you probably feel a combination of eagerness and fear at the idea of putting your hard-earned wages in such a roller coaster. Understandbly so. But education is power. The more you know, the more confidence you can have in your investment decisions.

We filmed an entire episode devoted to the question, “What’s up with the Stock Market?” and we’d love to share some clips with you.

Jeff Hanson, Blind Painter & Investor

Biz Kid$ Hosts on Market Indexes

Young Entrepreneurs Play the Stock Market

Sketch: Dow & Professor Jones

Want to teach your students about the stock market? Check out our FREE lesson plans on financial markets and the economy here.

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