Newsletter: October, 2009

Newsletter: October, 2009



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The Vault, October 2009: Hidden Careers

Ever want to be a rock star, a ballerina, or a home run hitter? Big dreams drive big success, but not everyone can be Taylor Swift or Brett Favre. The good news is, there are lots of jobs behind the dreams that will give you a rewarding career!


Fast fact

Walt Disney took a winding path to become the most famous animator in history. Scroll down to find out more.



Biz Kid of the Month: Jack Thompson

Jack is currently studying for his commercial pilot’s license at Central Washington University.


What about flying appealed to you?

I have always had an interest in planes and flying, ever since I can remember. There are pictures of me at flight shows when I was a baby. When I was in school, it was always, “There goes Jack, he’s going to be a pilot when he grows up!”


How did you pursue your dream of flying?

I wanted to be a fighter pilot for the US Navy, but because I have asthma, that opportunity wasn’t available to me.


So, then what? What were your next steps?

I didn’t give up. I looked into other aspects of flying. I found out that when fighter pilots retire, the next step in their career is flying commercial aircraft.


What would you say to other kids in a similar situation?

Look into every aspect of the career you’re thinking about. Not only will you discover all the hidden opportunities, it’s helpful to know what you’re getting into before you decide to spend the rest of your life doing it. And try to find some way to do what you love!





Behind the scenes

For every star you see on television, there are hundreds of people working on the other side of the camera. The same goes for professional sports, medicine, fine art, and just about any high-profile career. And sometimes, the lifestyles of the rich and famous aren’t all they’re cracked up to be!


Think about what you want to do, not just what you want to “be”

  • Maybe you love action movies, but you’re better at math than doing stunts. With today’s high-tech special effects, engineers and computer scientists and engineers are in high demand in the film biz.
  • If you have dreams of joining the NBA but excel in biology, a career in sports medicine could be a good fit.

Dig deeper

There are lots of ways to find out about behind-the-scenes careers. You can find something you truly love or just have a “plan B” if you’re entering a field with lots of competition.

  • If you’re interested in a film career, watch the credits after a movie to see how many different jobs it takes to get a movie made.
  • Internships are a great way to find out if the job you’re interested in is right for you. You don’t make much money, but you get contacts and hands-on experience that can be the key to “breaking in.”
  • Talk to someone “on the inside.” Most adults are happy to talk to kids who are exploring career options, and it’s a good way to find out what it truly takes to succeed in the field.

Fast Fact Answer

Walt Disney wanted to be a newspaper cartoonist. When no one would hire him, he got a job drawing ads for an advertising agency. Through his work in the advertising business, he developed an interest in animation. The rest is Mickey Mouse history!


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