Newsletter: October, 2012

Newsletter: October, 2012


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Hey Biz Kid!
Got a business idea that could help your community (or save the world)?  Need money to get your venture off the ground?
Enter the Biz Kid$ “Build Your Social Biz” contest for a chance to win $3,000 for your business!
It’s easy!
1.  Identify a problem and think of a business that could help solve it.
2.  Make a video of yourself explaining your idea (don’t worry.  The contest
     is about your business idea, not your video production skills).
3.  Fill out the online form here and upload your video by December 31,
If you win, you’ll also be paired with a business mentor from our sponsor Ernst & Young to help launch (or expand) your business.  There might be a mystery prize too!
So get going, Biz Kid! Click here to find out more….
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