2014: The Year of the Biz Kid

2014: The Year of the Biz Kid



minutes read

The number 2014 is written with sparklers on a black background.

Picture this: It’s December 31, 2014. Another year has come and gone. Where do you want to be in a year? What do you want to be working on? What do you hope you’ve accomplished.

2014-New-Year-960x600The Holidays are wrapping up, and the New Year is fast approaching! Soon, New Year’s Resolutions will be on everyone’s minds, with people wanting to be more active, or rest more, lose weight, or gain weight, make more money, or spend less, and so on and so forth. As a Biz Kid, what are you resolving to change in 2014? My own resolution is do something I learned from one of my favorite marketing authors: Seth Godin.

Godin, in his book, Poke the Box, has a motto: ship something everyday. The idea is that if you just complete one small task everyday—send that letter, finish one hour of code on that app, or apply for a small business license, soon enough, you’ll have a lot of work under your belt.

So many resolutions are broken because they don’t feel achievable. We resolve to start a company, or build something huge, but hit a roadblock. What I love about Seth Godin’s motto is that it is achievable. While it definitely takes disciple to “ship something every day,” it is a clear and achievable goal. In corporate America, goal-setting is a major priority. Managers talk of making SMART goals, that is, specific, measurable, assignable, realistic, and time-related. Is your goal specific or general? Can success be defined? Do you know who will help you attain your goal? Is it something that you think could actually be accomplished? Have you put a time on it?

Spend some time this week making SMART goals for 2014. Come December 31, 2014, you could be sitting on a valuable business.

Want to read more? Seth Godin has a FREE PDF version of his guide to “shipping it” on his website. Check it out.

Have financial goals? Biz Kid$ has a clip just for you.

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