Kaelon Reports from the Emmys!

Kaelon Reports from the Emmys!



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A group of people posing for a picture.

Today we bring you a very special guest post by our beloved Biz Kid$ Host, Kaelon! Kaelon recently traveled to the Emmys with Biz Kid$, and is giving you a look behind the scenes. Take it away, Kaelon.

Well in case you weren’t aware, Biz Kid$ was nominated for 3 Emmys!!  The awards ceremony was held on Sunday June 17th in Los Angeles.  Because I live in LA the executive producers/directors invited me to attend.  What a trip!  The night began with everyone milling around the entrance to the ballroom where they had set up a couple red carpets and Emmy backdrops for pictures.  Then all 1300 or so people in attendance filed in and took their seats.  It was incredibly surreal to actually be sitting there with all these talented directors, actors, producers, editors, etc. from TV shows that I’ve watched numerous times.  I felt incredibly lucky to have just been invited, not to mention that I was there because I was part of an Emmy (winning) and nominated television show.  The show got underway and Emmys were handed out.  At one point Elmo took the stage to give away a few awards!  About halfway through the show, Biz Kid$ was up for single camera editing and sound mixing, both of which we, unfortunately, lost.  The final Emmy of the night was for outstanding children’s series, and we were beat out yet again, by The Electric Company.  Sesame Street and The Electric Company seemed to be taking home quite a few awards!  We were all disappointed with the losses, but at the same time, it’s an honor just to be nominated.  To see all these other talented shows that had worked so hard over the year was encouraging in a way.  Being nominated means that we have created a show that the academy feels worthy of an Emmy.  That is quite something.

All in all, the night was a blast.  Everyone was dressed in his or her best and for one of the first times ever, I was able to experience some serious glitz and glamour, the kind that only Hollywood can produce.   Go Biz Kid$!

Biz Kid for life,

Kaelon Horst, Biz Kid$ Host


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